This is so key in the healing journey! Fear is a human emotion its okay to have that emotion, its just not okay to listen to all the things your brain thinks will happen.
Accepting the possibility of something bad you fear of turning into...I just can't wrap my head around that. That would be hardest of all for those with something like POCD.
thank you for your continued content and helpful/useful knowledge! ❤
Thanks for your kind videos. It really helps me get out of the loop, at least for a moment ❤
I am thankful I found your videos. They help me so much! I appreciate you for what you do
Thnx bro your videos make me relax but when i accept it it comes with great force again its just like it tells me to react on it
tbh honestly this really helps
I would like to embrace it but then my brain is tricking me again. I feel like i can't start with this bad current thought because there is some other thought which i was avoiding for a while, and for fair balance i should put myself into that other thougth and start with it.. but then if i will do it,, i will be questioning myself why i have to pick the 2nd thought and avoid the 1st.. but when i go back to the first, it repeats again. Some loop which is hard to solve! Even with knowing that all of this is only my brain. I would like some advice.
I cant do this. I cannot ACCEPT divorce from the person i live. I cannot ACCEPT my child dying. I just cant 😢
How does my friend who has intrusive thoughts about suicide do this? That feels scary…?