
"The worst brony" is a highly competitive title


I was once a voice actor under him.......I did not like it.


This guy's not very friendship, is magic


He put himself in the jar. It's cannon lore now


18:26 Did not expect to get jumpscared by my old account with screenshots from my girlfriend's convo with this creep.


Fun fact : the one brony who go crazy and become a shooter is also named Brandon.


Oh lord... this dude tried to get me to rp as Starlight Glimmer, so i had her date Trixie instead to piss him off 💀💀


3:01 - Twofold reason, Chris got into internet beef with Tara Strong (Twilight Sparkle’s VA) in debate about the impact of internet trolling and, as the pictured tweet suggests, Chris is big mad that Friendship is Magic ended after nine seasons (ten if someone wants to count the Season 10 line of comics from IDW) after previously foretelling that the show would go for fourteen.


I am so glad to see a video about Brandon with everything all bundled together well. I’m an online VA and artist in the fandom and first learned about him cause I saw a Twitter thread about how much of a creep he was. I’ve met and worked with people who worked for him for a little and then quit either cause of personal experiences or the information shared about him being a creep to minors, as well as some racism accusations I’ve heard. If I remember correctly, multiple work and collab servers I’m in with fellow Mlp VAs and artists have him banned for how creepy his behavior is. It’s practically to a point of fandom blacklisting (which yes, in voice acting, art, animation, and just creator spaces in general with fandoms, could happen. Especially since a decent amount of us are minors starting in our fields). Cause of this, he’s just been using generative AI voices now rather than hiring VAs for covers and projects, which only makes us VAs in the community hate him more since the AI community is very anti generative AI. I don’t know if I’ve ever talked to Brandon, but I have heard only terrible, horrible, and gross things about him. It’s good to see at the very least, Brandon is known to be an absolute gross ass creep, especially to minors.


chris chan doesnt suddenly hate MLP. He hates the new generation, G5. not the one that everybody loves, G4. and btw, the creator actually intended for boys to also like MLP as well as girls. but not grown ass men.


As someone who missed high school graduation from COVID yeah I get the whole obsession with High School, It's like a trauma response. It's the other stuff i don't get.


Hates Gooners, shills a company targeting gooners. The hypocrisy is crazy lmfao


"I was off my meds" No need to tell us dude, that goes without saying...


I was the server admin who banned that idiot from my server. [theunwantedsouls]

I absolutely LOATHED that situation and how much he dragged out being banned for posting such disgusting content in a server majority populated by minors. What a disgusting person for real. 

He claimed he didn't actually watch the video itself, but still sent it?? Why send videos you are not familiar with to people, like even watched it once? Gross.


You realize just how much "the worst brony" narrows it down?


You've alerted the Linux user horde.


I feel bad for all the voice actors that have worked with him, especially the female one. I couldn't imagine being paid to say that stuff to him.


That guy is awful, good thing i blocked him back in the day, dude had such creepy vibes and turns out he's a absolute creep smh


Hey Royalty. Here is an EXTREME wildcard of a fandom I have for you to explain, Godzilla. Yes. It sounds crazy that a big lizard fighting other big creatures has a crazy fandom but I've seen degeneracy in this fandom. From toxicity to a whole shipping community, I desperately need you to cover this curveball of a fandom.

(EDIT: Holy shit. Im building my own empire with this comment. I might actually have a phase 2 to bring this idea to the lime light.)


I was traumatised as a child by that pinky pie stabbing rainbowdash video. It just autoplayed for some reason, I think that was the reason for my first mental breakdown.
Man this video brought back some memories I buried