
Look at the couch of talent. Barry Manilow, Dan Akroyd, Chevy Chase, David Letterman and of course Johnny!


Love all these guys. Dave always makes me laugh.


Thanks Johnny


Excellent David Letterman as always!


There’s no off position on the genius switch β€” David Letterman.


So cool to see Chevy enjoying his jokes. I don't think he's an easy man to impress


Thank you johnny carson


Based upon the date, Chevy & Dan were there to promote the comedy movie "Spies Like Us" which premiered a week later.


I'm here in 2024. I was there back then too.


Back when "late night" actually meant something!


Less Chevy 
More David 

Too bad David went on after Chevy 
Johnny should have bumped Chevy to double the Letterman segment


Johnny certainly enjoyed it when Dave came on and stuck it to NBC.


Got that book as birthday gift at 15 years old.


Dave rules


This is funnier than anything I ever saw Dave do on his own show.


I am old enough to remember how amazing both Johnny Carson and Dave Letterman were. I miss both, but moreover, I miss looking forward to late night tv belly laughs without being inundated with political drama. I hope we live to see entertainers return to entertaining and stop being political pundits.


Slagging off Airbus and selling Boeing gets laughter... How the worm has turned in recent years! That "joke" has done a full 180




Dave gets played off! πŸ˜†


Back when they had Mac Minis for ash trays 5:15 πŸ˜