
30 years of battle are taking its toll on him. Poor guy. Grew up with his movies, miss him a lot on tv shows and movies.


I’m so sorry Michael. I hate seeing you that way. You’re a strong man and I wish you all the best.


For him even to agree to be interviewed is incredible. I need to stop complaining about everything and give thanks.


just want to cry for Michael. I recently helped a man with parkinson's that could not do the task he wanted at his home. He had electrodes installed in his brain, that control his thrash. He rebuilt an eve on his house! I used the power tools, and he put it together. I was stunned. I thought I had resolve, living with chronic pain, but this man blew my doors off.


really tough. I watched an interview with him from a year ago. You can tell it's getting tougher now.


F this disease.  You can tell his mind is ready to fight but his body is letting him down.  But he hasn't let anybody else down.  What an amazing person to use his notoriety to raise funds and awareness to help fight it.  I hope he lives forever.


This man is really strong.


He seems like a sweetheart and i love that he is sharing his story. God bless him and his family


If you close your eyes snd listen, you cannot see as much Parkinson’s.  Takes about half of it away.  He is still cognitively clearer than I am.  I wish a miracle for him.🙏🏻


My mom passed away from Parkinson's in December. It was brutal toward the end. Her death was a relief in some ways because her day to day life was so awful. Parkinson's is a horrible disease.


He is such a fighter.  I admire his tenacity, courage and wit while dealing with PD most of his entire adult life.  His foundation will be his lasting legacy to keep looking for the cure.  For all the people out there, like my husband who was recently diagnosed.  The research, the PPMI studies and the trials are all going to give so many people so much more hope.  And we have Michael to thank for that...✨


Life is so not fair. This is why I've told my kids that if you can get out of bed in the morning and walk to the shower with your healthy body, don't complain about anything...ever.
I love Michael and it breaks my heart to see him have to go through all this. I'm 58 and I started thinking about my own mortality once I reached my 50's. I can't imagine how he deals with this. 
If anyone deserves a miracle, it's him.


Michael J. Fox is awesome. His willingness to be open brings the plight of so many to the forefront. Thank you! Me: 53 cancer survivor Major surgeries.  Chronic pain. Neuropathy. And please, don't let me live to be 80. I can't handle that many years of pain. I was forced to work for 10 years in extreme pain and I cracked, almost took my own life. There's millions of us out there living unusual lives. Never judge a man until you've walked in his shoes, and even then...don't. Judging is a dirty habit.  Everyone has their own struggle but disabled people struggle Every. Single. Day. UP to Michael J. Fox.


Poor man. God bless him.


My sister just passed away from Huntington's disease. It was like watching someone slowly get Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and dementia all at the same time. It is amazing that in the last few stages of some of these terrible diseases the strongest person thru it all is the one we loose. My heart, thoughts and prayers go out to Michael and to your family. I grew up watching you and still watch the Back To The Future movies religiously. Stay strong and thank you for all the laughs you've given us over the years. Hopefully we find a cure one day.


God bless him, what a battle he’s been through.


Hands down to your strength and will MJF, nothing but pure admiration. My grandmother was also diagnosed with Parkinsons about 15 years ago. She never showed us that she is an excess baggage (which she never was). She refused to be bedridden and would always love to take a stroll instead. All her life she became a public school teacher to becoming a district superintendent, it was her passion and many of her students now have become professionals or good on what they do because of her guidance. It has been two years since we lost her and no day has gone by without me thinking of her. So to the likes of MJF and my dear departed Mommy (as we call her). You are all inspirations and beacons of strength.


While I understand all the other comments regarding how sad it is to watch this - I find it a totally beautiful thing that you have a wife that is so supportive and a man that is so determined to continue to carry on for the good of mankind!!!!!! Love and respect to Micheal, Tracy and the family!!!!!!!!


I am heartbroken to see him like this.God Bless Micheal and Tracy and everyone who has to live with this disease


It is heart breaking to see such a beloved actor in such a state and yet he powers through it all fighting to keep surviving.