
I'm so proud of myself for not buying new makeup for an entire year! every makeup palette I saw I realised I already had all the shades in my palette that already exists at home! Definitely trying these brands when my current products need replacing but my goal for 2022 is no new skin care try outs - UNLESS as I said above, things run out :)


Thank you so much for featuring us, Arise looks simply stunning on you. We would love to work with you in the future! โ™ฅ๏ธ


Dr. Bronners makes this magic balm that is literally just a bunch of different oils, and they have an unscented version that I use for SO many things. That one comes in a 100% aluminum tin! I'm not a fan of essential oils in a lot of my products so when I find a natural product that doesn't have any I will try it๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿผ

Side note, I also LOVE Elate's brow balm!


I didn't get a lick of sleep tonight but at least that means I'm early to today's video ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ญ This was a much needed and appreciated video. I've followed channels like you and Shelby for a couple years now but this year I finally made the commitment to make the jump from some form of casual minimalism to using up my current products and switching to more sustainable ones. Thank you for all you do โค I don't think I could effectively make the switch without channels like yours.


I tried a solid conditioner and solid make up remover from a local Italian brand called La Saponaria and I absolutely love them! I have also finally found two skincare products that together work so well for my skin, the only problem is that I'm not very consistent with skincare ๐Ÿ˜…


I enjoy zero waste videos so much so good ๐Ÿค๐Ÿ˜ƒ i like Mack up so much.


I recently purchased two of those elate cosmetics magnetic palettes and I love them! Depotting my half used up palettes was a lot of fun and for some reason getting rid of the packaging and marketing piece of makeup did something for me...or maybe that's just my OCD. lol.


I always wonder if Lush is really an ethical brand, if it is, I am so happy lmao !!


Lovely video :) Upcircle are now also getting into the refillables area for folks in the UK, for those interested! Our local refill shop now sells their body and face creams, cleanser, scrub and other things in bulk, and itโ€™s sooo good ๐Ÿ’š


I love using Native and am grateful they can still ship to Australia. I worry that I am supporting Proctor and Gamble by doing so (they bought this company in 2017) - I do not know whether to keep using this brand.


Friday morningโ€ฆ very early here in the PNW (๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ)โ€ฆ got my coffee and enjoying a sesh with Gittemary about staying fresh and beautiful.  What a great way to groove into the weekend.  Thanks for this today Gittemary!!  ๐ŸŒŽ๐Ÿ’ฆโ“‚๏ธary๐Ÿ’•  PS - I love that some of these products are made in ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ (or will ship to Canada).  PPS - Iโ€™m lazy when it comes to using sunscreen too.  I aim to improve on this during the upcoming summer cuz my skin ainโ€™t getting any younger!!


I know it's not zero waste, but I love the Burtbee tinted lip sticks to use as roughe and lipstick. Also, I know not many like it, but my coconut, baking powder & sheabutter deo is the best thing I use since 3 years. I add a drop of honey scent to it and I smell so nice from it!


In Poland we have very good deodorant in paper tube like Native - it's called Ben&Anna. I think in other countries we can find similar, smaller companies making deodorants in carton, Native is not the only solution :)


You inspired me all the time. Thank you


I bought some UpCircle facial moisturizer and was really pleased with it. It came in a glass jar with a metal lid. I can recommend to you using a hair rinse of vinegar and water instead of hair conditioner and it works great with sensitive scalp like mine where if I go too long without washing my scalp hurts due to an overgrowth of bacteria (I have read).


Re: Native Deodorant
I've used Native deodorant for a few years and it is by far the best vegan deodorant that works for me. I tried their plastic free packaging, more than one tube actually. And I found it difficult to push the deodorant up the cardboard tube as time went on. I also found that quite a bit of the deodorant would push up over the side of the tube when I was applying, and drop away from the tube. Not a big deal you can certainly pick it up with your hands and stick it back on the top of the stick, but over time I found that I was wasting more of the product than I do with the plastic packaging. So that said, I prefer the plastic packaging because it's easier to use and I waste less product. I do wonder if people with dexterity issues might prefer the plastic packaging as well, and this could be a reason why Native hasn't yet phased it out. I think the functionality of the cardboard packaging needs to be improved before they can do that.


So good and useful video!!๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŒฑ


Been using native for years and I just bought some wild deodorant to try. Both are great and I will rotate them out since itโ€™s goo to do that


not sure how denmark is but in norway, the amazing tap water was definitely part of a sustainable beauty/care product. my face and hair are so sad from the calc filled waters of southern europe..


I donโ€™t now where this brands ships to, but the deodorant from Loveli are also really really good! You buy 1 time a full deodorant and after that you can buy refills. Itโ€™s a dutch brand but they started to ship to more countries. My personal favorite is the sweet orange , donโ€™t want any other deodorant any more. โค๏ธ