
“You can’t give me back something you took away and call it a buff” Gaijin saying what (virtually) all IG mains are thinking. Now we just need balanced bug back and we’ll have all of our stuff back


This is the best bromance on the internet




Merry Christmas Hunters!!


Merry Christmas only 65 more days till the hunt🎉🎉🎉


I’m going to build a PC for MH Wilds. It’s been 10 years since I last built a PC. I’m excited


4:52 just keep making valstrax thumbnails, that was the only video I got from the algorithm, and made me watch all your videos.
Cheers for valstrax on wilds!(I'm not obsessed you're obsessed)


Yeah, I went searching for Gaijin the other day and realized that he had made a whole slew of amazing monster videos. They're so good! Dang algo


For the hyper armor discussion, It’s not a slippery slope argument … It is a slippery slope.


Much appreciated, happy holidays! Cheers!


Feliz Natal, Ruri!  Thanks for the content this year, looking forward to your coverage of Wilds


Merry Christmas Ruri and to his amazing community!


I accidentally planned my vacation on the day monster hunter wilds comes out and am going to miss it 😢 

On the bright side I’ll be in Japan for those 2 weeks so it would be cool to see if I can find any monster hunter wilds related over there!


This is  my favorite podcast ❤


The Sunbreak demo is still available for download, at least on PC. That's what made me hope for a Wilds demo, but yeah, if it'd require them to take away time and resources we might as well tough it out and wait for the full release.


I just got a ps5 for Christmas (group present). I downloaded Infinity Nikki on a whim because it looked well polished and really pretty, and the gameplay looked interesting. It's good to hear it's actually worth the time to play it. Plus, I'm sure my kids will love it.


Oh my god. The motion values thing of the old games is so brutal😂😂😂


Merry Christmas, fellow Hunters! 
Third Fleet driving the sleigh through the Reach once more in 2024.


Gaijin: "Oh... that free to play game." 
10 minutes later Gaijin gushes about Infinity Nikki.


From what Gaijin said and what my brother tells me, Infinity Nikki is very similar to genshin, monetization-wise. That's why genshin players feel the need to defend the game, because it's actually good, like Nikki.