
Legendary polish power let’s go


Truly underrated fighter. As good a career at the heavier weight classes as anyone not named jon jones


I see someone was faster than me, but here is my translation of the polish parts of the interview for those interested:

Q: ,,Currently in Poland there are two most important things - the right shoulder of Jan Blachowicz and the left shoulder of Jan Blachowicz. How much percentage-wise of the Legendary Polish Power there is still left in these shoulders?"
A: ,,It came back, it came back and there is a whole lot of it. Enough for a few more fights in the octagon."

Q: ,,I was surprised when you said at Ariel's show that those problems have actually begun before the fight with Israel Adesanya, that back then it was bad. And that is the question - do you regret or did you regret that you didn't take care of it earlier?"
A: ,, You know what, now all I can do is speculate and I won't waste my energy on such contemplation. I'm looking forward towards what is about to happen, not what already did. Every story that happened shaped me and thanks to that I'm in the place I currently am and I'm taking lessons so that, I don't know, go another or a different way the next time if something like that happens. But I'm no longer stuck on that, what if... you know, I don't like to 'what-if'."

Q: ,,Carlos before this duel is putting it clearly - 'if I win with Jan, then I will 100% be the next one to challenge for the belt'. Do you look at your position similarly from your point of view? That 'if I win, then 100% I want that duel and I should get it.' "
A: ,,I don't see another option; I don't see another option after the win on Saturday for me to not be the next one to challenge for the belt."

Q: ,,I wanted to ask you about that Piccolo, that is the gift you received a moment ago at the gym. Why Piccolo in particular and why is he your favorite character from Dragon Ball?"
A: ,,I don't know; I just like him. I guess we don't have enough time to go over it. I like him and that's it. So I thank for the gift; it was 100% a hit." 

Q: ,,Michal said that currently in Poland there are two most important things - your left and right shoulders. I will ask you about Ulberg's left hand and his speed. What else, other than those two things, is there for you to worry about in the octagon?"
A: ,,You know what, in reality I have to worry about feeling good in there, to focus on myself, to do my job well and it will be fine. That's it. You know, I have to focus on myself and be careful".

Q: ,,Would you like to test your body for the fifteen minutes, coming back after such a long break and surgeries, to see how you will function, or do you dream about a quick victory, or as you predicted in a way of being a Mystic Mac that you will begin to get the advantage in the cage during the second round and finish your rival before the bell in the third?"
A: ,,Obviously, the sooner the better, yeah, and it would be nice, but I'm preparing myself for a tough battle, for a necessity to bring it even to the very end, but as I'm saying - I'm visualizing myself a knockout in the third round, but it would be nice if it were to come earlier."

Q: ,,Your previous fight in the O2 arena was the victory against Jimi Manuwa, so generally this hall can fill you with some good memories, and how do you feel today in these last several dozen of hours before the card?"
A:  ,,You know what, very well, because - as you said - this is somewhat of a happy place, so this is how I'm putting it in my head, that it will remain that way this time. I don't have many kilos left, I feel good, fresh, strong, and I really can't wait, because that break was long and the fighting hunger is very big, so I'm longing to be in the octagon."

Q: ,,In the last three of four fights in Europe you have received a bonus. Should we expect yet another performance worth 50k?"
A: The answer was provided in English.

Okay, this should do and be fairly accurate. Greetings from Poland and enjoy the fights, everyone!


I don’t see why Ulberg is -300 but I’ll take the spread on Jan


All the homies love blachowicz


Poland is on its title run in the world rn!


I like Jan so much I can barely watch his fights. I hope he's feeling well, wins this weekend and can go on another title run!


Jan widać wyraznie ze jestes w formie duchowo mentalnie i fizycznie. Niech Cie Bóg prowadzi! 
Piękny wojownik bo nasz!🇵🇱

Easy to see you're back strong spiritualy, mentaly and physically Jan.
May God guide you!
Beautiful worrior and ours!🇵🇱


As a Kiwi, I want Ulberg to get the win... but man, it's hard not to root for Jan, would love to see this dude get the belt back


gramps still got it


I understood everything 💪🏻🇵🇱


I wish you the best Jan! I hope you win this fight and win back the championship title soon 💪


Jan will KO Ulberg and fight Anakalev for the title. Lets not forget he won with Adesanya, got a draw with Anakalev, and very controversial split decision loss with Pereira. This dude is very hard to beat.


Jan always been of my favourite fighters. I hope he wins because he’s top 3 lhw imo and top 5 of all time he’s so underrated and personality I just fckn love the dude he seems so genuine and.. built different too




Let's go champ! One of my favorite fighter's




Let's go jan!!


Let's go Jan!


ehhhh would love to see Polish Power regain da belt, yez? closest fight against Poatan before the MA loss