I’ve looked at like 10 different recent rom hack vids and none had this smh they are letting me down, thank you for this! Exactly what I was looking for
So, essentially Radical Red but for Hoenn? Definitely will give it a shot
I just beat the champion last Tuesday \o/ great game only thing I could say that needs improvement is the number of boxes in the pc, it’s still 14 and there’s 1k pokemon in the game. Living dex isn’t going to fit. Playing in the delta emulator on my phone, works great
sweet, was looking for a new rom to play. Thanks!
Love seeing stuff like this! Romhacks are awesome
I like this game. It has a good randomizer. Extra mega evolutions. NEW mega evolutions. And if you go up to your gamecube in your room and put in "ShinyS" you get a shiny starter. It is caps sensitive though
The drake battle on Sky pillar is by far one of the toughest battles I’ve ever had to do in Pokémon
I was originally pretty hopeful for this hack, it has really nice and, importantly, easy and free customization of your pokemon, from natures to abilities to movesets; but on actually playing it, it does the one thing I can’t stand; making its own battle decisions retroactively based on your own. Ex: brawley leads with a Draining Kiss Pikachu Libre that gets OHKOd by Sandyghast Earth Power with the right nature and item. If you click Earth Power, he switches to Hariyama. Hariyama does not have Guts, meaning that if you can pre empt its switch in, you can neuter it with a burn. If you click Wil-o-wisp, Pikachu libre will not switch out. I DESPISE this attempt at making the AI smarter that just makes them omniscient. Why bother planning and running calcs if the opponent won’t let you use the calcs?
I'm so ready for these pure quality hacks to start branching out to new custom regions. I can only run through the same cities so many times 😂
The first time seeing the mega Empoleon ended my first nuzlocke run😢
Wow, what a original rom hack 😂
Patience is crucial in this one
It actually takes a lot of changes from Radical Red, which is great! For example: Sceptile is Grass/Dragon and its attacks have been swapped to give it higher Physical Attack Also, Archeop’s Defeatist now occurs at 1/3 HP (though it’s so frail that it hardly matters, but I’ll take what dubs my boy can get)
Just got done with blazing emerald so now I'm going to play this :D
One real cool one is also pokemon quartz that do somethings similar to this one but can also play online with LAN i think. More dificulties. And overall the game is harder bcs on gym 3 and after all the gym leaders have mega-forms pokemon and if you win them they give you the mega stone. Not only that. After you finish the game the entire map is spread with special trainers
Man I miss the iconic sprite design
This looks really cool, I’ve been needing a good mod to play through. Can’t have enough hoenn
I finished this about 5 weeks ago, it was honestly really fun, and challenging
And people say Skyrim has a lot of mods