EA 6 ME 18 LIL 33 ANU 36 and ENKI 39 (English Gematria). "If you only knew the magnificence of the numbers 3, 6, 9, you would have the sacred keys to the Universe.” (Nikola Tesla)
The anunnaki were a species of humans that evolved on earth
The Anunnaki were world wide. The people of Mesopotamia were smart enough to record their experience with them on clay tablets that transcended time. They were known in many places, by many names. 🛸
Oh boy here we go
It’s one of those nights….
Why are we mad at fantasy and a well fleshed out twenty minutes. I like this one
How many times can you say the same thing over and over and over and over!? Like thanks and goodbye!
Everyone have the opinion. I just don't like if somebody say they feel like it how you know they feel like it you are not there. Please stop saying lies
They were also the sumerian hebrew watchers in the book of Enoch ,, Enki is also samzya a friend of ziusudra which is Noah Enki is also posiedon a friend of Deucalion which is Noah Enki is also Vishnu a friend of vaivasvata Manu which is sage Noah in Hindu book of Puranas Enki is also yam in canaan Enki is also Neptune in roman Noah is ziusudra son of the last anti deluvian king ubara tutu which is lamech in Hebrew book of Enoch ,,.,. Abraham is a sumerian hebrew who lives in the city of Ur in sumer ,,he was the son of the high priest terah of Ur,.,. Terah is the son of nahor son of serug which is grand son of high priest shem of sumer ,. Shem is the son of ziusudra which is Noah a friend of Gilgamesh ,,.,. Bible didn't copy anything from sumer they Hebrew are sumerians and chosen bloodline by the gods T
Who created the hominins?
You stated the same thing over and over again..... took 5 minutes worth of material and stretched it for a hour and a half 😂
Sound like another version of Zeus and his brothers don’t it
Anu who? 👂😢😢😢
you arnt saying Anunnaki right. you should probably says it right since you said it hundreds of times. ANU- NA- Ki
The Anunnaki were not deities. They were flesh and blood beings. Your very first sentence in this video is wrong so I’m not going to bother to watch the rest.
Absolute rubbish boy
This was mostly repetitive