The way she’s fully panicking and he’s just staring lovingly at her while having a serious allergic reaction that’s true love dude😭
I love how his reaction is like I'm still in love with her even if I almost died 😂
She has the most “don’t look like you’re panicking because if you panic he’ll panic” face I think I’ve ever seen hahaha
Shes a keeper. Her face shows how much she genuinely cares about you
She is so upset, frightened, almost in shock and feeling guilty. Her reaction and your loving response shows just how much you love each other.❤❤
Poor thing, that look on her face says it all and the smile you give does as well. Never lose that care for each other!
You can see how deeply concerned for him she is, and it looks like he’s being a good sport about it. 🥰
That eye roll at the end, just the embodiment of "she might've almost killed me but God I love her"
She looks really worried. She's in panic. Poor girl....while you're laughing. 😂.❤❤❤
Omg shes driving duper worried snd he is giving her secret love smiles. Thats the sweetest! 🥰
his smile and the towel on her head says it all. 💯💕
To her, it was the most important moment of her life. To him, it was Tuesday.
You better keep that woman! She's freaking out inside right now 😂 bless her heart
The panic on her face 😭
panicked expression, towel on her head... and here's you smiling even though it was dangerous 😂 real love!
She is legit dying inside and he is just laughing inside! 🤣😂🤣 So many different emotions all in one car. Lol
She left the house with her hair in a drying towel, that’s love. She’s a keeper. ❤
She didn’t even take her towel off her head… she’s a keeper!
The way that she’s really seriously worried and he’s just giggleing and having a good time 😂