I’m so proud of you 💛 you’re one of the most incredible people I’ve ever been honored to know
We are all so Proud of you Alex!!
So so SOOO proud of you!
Not even 20 seconds in and the pain I felt from the first few visuals… hit me like a truck. We’re proud Alex. ❤️
He is back!
I’ve been checking ur channel everyday going “has he posted yet!?” Your vids always inspire me to do my best! On behalf of all your fans - WE FRICKEN LOVE YOU😍
I have never cried so fast in my life. The moment I started watching this I started. Alex you’ve come so far in life, gone through so many rough paths. You deserve everything, I’m so excited for headlights and many more songs along the way! 💕💕
I think I can speak for everyone . We all are so happy of how far you come you’ve been through thick and thin and now here you are living one of your dreams. You’ve worked day and night for this you Deservee this . Congratulations Alex 🥳
this doc made me emotional.. it’s INSANE to see how far you’ve come over the years and we are all so so proud of you!
Wow! What a beautiful video Alex. I'm genuinely proud of you, and for the path you've built this far. you are amazing that you can get anything you want. I saw your testimony of your story for the first time in the hype house. I feel that it was not only fun but learning as well. We are all proud of you. congratulations for getting here. I wish you an amazing future. ♥️
I’m so proud of you I’ve watched you since 2020 and just can’t be more proud of you you deserve every good thing coming for you and I really can’t wait to see headlights take off like all your other music
We are very proud of you alex. You not only went from homeless to becoming very successful all on your own. But you have also followed your dream of becoming a singer and song writer from the moment you were a little boy. Your parents would be very proud of you. And just know all your supporters are extremely proud to see how much you accomplished. Keep shining bright and keep pushing your way through life. Good luck.
I’m so proud of you Alex watching you from literally the start to where you are now is crazy I love and appreciate you so much and yes the trailer did bring a few tears to my eyes since I’m so proud of you Ilysm Alex congrats buddy🫶🏻🫶🏻
Alex I thought u quite YouTube and that made me sad and I listen to your music for hours and I can say for all of we are proud
So proud of you Alex, I just lost my granny back in February and she was my world…I am broken everyday..so proud of u
I’ve never been so proud of a celebrity than I am with you. Love you Alex
I am speechless. we are all so proud of you alex. losing loved ones is never easy, I recently lost both my grandparents. grief is so difficult and draining. I just want to say your parents would be so so so proud of you, they are always with you <3
I don't even know where to start. You are just amazing I'm speechless, to go through all of that and be where you are and thriving is so amazing. You accomplished so much and you still are, you signed a record deal and your doing what makes you happy. Even though I wish you would still make videos, I'm happy you finally found a place and have all those people who support you. I wish you the best of luck.
I’m so proud of how far you have came in the music industry and how you make people so inspired !