Look at the bright side….no flies!❤
It sure makes you appreciate the stamina and bravery of pioneers and Native Americans who kept themselves and their animals alive, doesn’t it?
Clever Cowgirl is dealing with 40 below temps in Montana. Both of you use many of the same methods with regards to care in extreme cold. Her horses are like yours, they want to be outside no matter the weather!
If i was a horse, id want to be a FSE horse. Shae treats her horses like family. She always considers whats best for the herd. 🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎❤
Ok, I come from very cold country. Mountain country. We are cattle ranchers. The horses and cows are outside. They grow a winter coat. They are outside with the cows❤❤❤ They have hay, they have water, they are fine.
Opening the door and talking to them"good morning" and they welcome your voice with their nickers. Comfort for sure❤
I'm in Scotland and half the country is closing down tomorrow due to a storm moving in from the West. Winds of 70 - 100 mph are forecast. Schools and many businesses are closed, no public transport at all. Government has advised not to travel if you can avoid it. BUT - it isn't freezing! I'd rather have a day or two of your weather than these awful winds. Thanks for the video Shae, great to see all your herd looking so well - and great to see I'm not the only one who gets a red nose in the cold 😊 ❤ from Scotland ❤
Koa sitting there protecting you guys while breaking up the Ice in the buckets.. he’s so adorable 🥰
It's nice to see someone who knows how to take care of the horses during winter.🙂 I live in Norway and we usually have that type of weather or colder 2-3 months in winter. Horses are meant to be outside like you say, and they are doing just fine. If it's extremely cold I put two blankets on. An idea to keep water from freezing: Fill water jugs with 3/4 water and mix with about 3 cups of salt. You can use soda bottles too.(tie them if the horses take them out) They keep the surface moving so it takes much longer before the water freeze. Hope you get warmer weather soon. 😊
I caught your comment on how you got a massage from the same person who does your horses. A number of years ago, I was a competitive runner locally and the local massage therapy school recruited a number of us athletes as subjects for a sports massage class they had. The class lasted six weeks and each of us was assigned to a massage therapist who saw us once a week to work on specific muscle groups. The woman who was assigned to work on me specialized in massaging horses. I asked her if it was difficult to work on horses and she said the biggest problem she had was some of them would get so relaxed that they would lean on her with their full weight. 😂🤣😂LOL. I thought you might enjoy that story Shae.🥰
I don't think that people understand the constant work that goes into owning horses. I love it when you make these kind of videos. P.s. I absolutely love the way your horses greet you when you enter the barn. So adorable ❤❤😊
KOA'S LITTLE SCARF!!!😭😭 I can't with him, he's too adorable❤
Oh no! You know it's cold when your nose is pinker than your lips! LOL, been there. I lived a total of 24 yrs first in Canada and then Alaska. The good news is this deep freeze is only temporary. Not yearly and won't even last all winter. Regardless, it's not fun! You take such good care of your horses! You go girl! ❤❤❤❤❤❤
I don't know if anybody else recognized this or if I'm just seeing things, but about 9 minutes into the video where the horses are all standing around the hay barn. If you look up at the clouds it almost looks like angel wings over the horses. It is so cool! With the Sun being down on them I thought it was pretty awesome. Sorry it's so cold. Shay❤
I love Ariel! She is 23:41 special ! Love Essy too. All your horses are the best! I have watched you for three years! Love you all
I’m chuckling cause it seems like Prince Naveen has been patiently standing in his feeding spot for a good while. ❤
You're doing the right thing, none of your horses have frozen to death. Stay warm.
Hi Shae! Thank you for being such a good teacher in showing responsible horse ownership in extremely cold weather. You hit the nail with the hammer spot on! Horses do prefer to be outside. Providing hay 24/ 7 along with a proper feeding schedule and full access to water, keeps a horse healthy and happy in inclement weather. You constantly monitor them, and make sure they are handling the extreme cold well. A true “horse lover” that can also put on a great vlog! Tell Kyle he is appreciated too:) It’s definitely teamwork!
# 1 Shae - knows what to do and when to do it! You care so deeply for your horses. # 2 You can see how much the horses prefer to be outside! Cold yes, but in the sunshine it feels really good. # 3 As Shae said, the wind makes a big difference and temps diving lower at night. She’s got this folks. ❤ 🐴