
What I normally use to exfoliate  my face is turmeric, raw egg white, and honey, mix together to form a paste and it work very well on my face.


Wow your skin is glowing! I am curious about if you've ever used retinol before because ur skin is perfect!!


I use Sugar with coconut oil mix for exfoliation


I love your videos so much. I can’t wait for you to get to 100k and see your plague hanging behind you. Much love ❤❤❤


Thanks for the video ana 😘 can you please recommend face cream that will brighten a sensitive skin.


How many days a week can we do the face routine??


Hi Anastasia 
I’m light skinned but recently I’ve been looking like I have brown skin
Could you please recommend face and body products that can help correct this?

Your response would be greatly appreciated 🥺


Ahhhhhh! Something told me to just watch this! I’d been suspecting that my face was not healing because I was using the clear and clear bleckhead toner with vitamin C. Since I stopped using it together, I’ve noticed a change. Let me add that caffeine serum to my list!


Pls share someone like me a routine pls i don't want a chemical products recommend from dove products
I'm a little bit fair  nd has a dry skin but since last year I'm using olive oil and I'm really dark 😢
Recommend a body lotion
Face cream
Toner nd cleanser
Face moisturizer for me
With perfume and roll on


Your skin is always glowing


The glow!❤


Lovely 🥰 🥰
Please Ma can you make a video for combination acne prone skin 😩🙏🏽🙏🏽 both morning and night time routine 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


Amazing skincare vibes😜😘


Can you make a skincare video for men too i don’t know where to start I have dry skin and acne too 😢


U r glowing❤❤❤❤


What is your set up and what do you use to film


Can any skin type use this after exfoliating


Is ordinary alpha arbutin ok for soothing or its too active to use after clean and clear toner


Nice video as alwaysss.pls where can one get d toner?I use simple face wash and face cream. That's all


Thank you Fave❤ Your Skin🥺❤️