
Trump is already trying to silence his critics, including by pressuring social media platforms. Please help me build an audience BEYOND social media by subscribing to my newsletter. You can join free (or paid, if you want to support my work) here: plus.briantylercohen.com/subscribe


"Tonight, I say this to my Republican colleagues who are defending the indefensible: There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain." - Liz Cheney


The military needs to do their job and arrest this traitor before it's too late. Remember enemy's foreign and domestic...


A dictator only stops when the people themselves stop them!
Come on America! Stand up!


He won’t stop until someone stops him.


Remember, a CONVICTED CRIMINAL is doing ALL of this! WTF America!


Lara Trump saying "the US should kiss Elon Musk's feet" is the sickest crap I have  ever heard in the US!!!!!
It sounds Kim Jong Un BS!


Canadian here. Sorry to say this but you the people will have to get mad and revolt against this nonsence, if you don't the criminel will never stop, he is living his dream of being a dictator........!!!


He is Dismantling our Country - Wake up and fight - Impeach him today


A friend of mine applied for Door dash and was turned down because of his record. I told him maybe he should run for president instead. No background check needed.


“An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last” 
 - Winston Churchill.


When you threaten law firms based on cases they are taking, you are simply criminal in your actions. Doesn't matter who you are, that's just a basic fact.


Typical dictators playbook  , 

Get this idiot out of the government and White House and put him in prison  ,


There is going to be a Veterans March in Washington
DC on March 14th-15th and 16th. Supporting the 6000+ veterans who have been fired by Musk and Trump. And the 83,000 VA Employees who they are threatening to fire. Everyone is welcome. March 14th at the National Mall 12pm, March 15th at Fox news Headquarters 400 North Capitol St. 12pm, March 16th
Heritage Foundation 214 Massachusetts Ave 12pm


That’s why dictators do , try to silence anyone that speaks against him.


The “checks and balances” established by the Founding fathers is dead. Congress has abdicated their responsibility and the Judicial system has done nothing more than “putting a pause” on issues before the Courts. But no hard push-back from anybody. Just shameful.


No one can say they are safe from Trump. The fact is he hasn't got round to you yet.


Many people in the 1930's thought if they just kept their heads down, it would pass and not affect them. That didn't work out so well


The American people need to turn on TRUMP now


Remove and imprison Trump NOW! He's a traitor!