I love your videos l said w two times
Don't lose this challenge ❤❤😊
Good video, AFFAF
I love it
What an impossible challenge 😂❤🎉
I never I just said: so cool!!!!!!
I love you affaf❤❤❤❤
Nice video Affaf
Heyy lol i luv ur vids affaf and jack
Gráce: I already likedcand subscribed, let's get Affaf to 10 million subscribers because she derves it and a very cool YouTuber ineed 🎉
Yall they have 5 million subs 😮
I love you affaf
I love it🎉😂
I said wow ❤😮
Super cute baby frog! I'm looking forward to your next "ribbiting" video!!!
You got a new subscriber name kenzie
Name is benali and all of this satisfying I subscribed❤stay strong
Ur really pretty girl keep it going👏😘
This is so easy I got this😂