
Loved Running Point!  Hilarious, light, great cast (esp Kate Hudson, who definitely inherited Goldie’s gift for physical comedy), writing totally en pointe.  Can’t wait for S2!


I'll tell you who doesn't get enough credit in comedy is Ike barrenholtz that dude is a comedic genius. He is an actual genius. He won Millionaire and Jeopardy!!


As a college girl I can promise you that it's not fictional


Thank you for this conversation! I love when Seth gets to talk to his friends ❤😂


Not a correction, buuuttt I’m also originally from New England, a tiny town in CT, and when my town got a Dunkin Donuts, my dad called to see if I was going to fly up from Florida (I know. It’s unfortunate) for the grand opening. 😂😂 dads be dadding and new englanders be new englanding. I lost him last year and your Dunkin’ stories brought back this great memory ❤❤


Love Mindy's dress!


LOVE Mindy Kaling. As an actress, as a writer, as a comedienne. And so beautiful too.


Frisbee was in Mindy Project too!


Excuse me!! I had a Seth Meyers poster on my college dorm wall!!! I’ll have you know I purchased it second hand from a library 1:05


Correction (1:12): I have multiple photos of Seth up in my college dorm


Correction: At 5:38 Seth said “needles the thread”. The saying is “threads the needle”. 😊


“My daughter’s taste in gowns is hacky” is such a comedy writer thing to say. 😂


I was background on Sex Life of College Girls. I filmed 4 episodes and it was the MOST fun set I have ever been on. But I haven’t been asked to be back on lol  😕


CORRECTION: It’s Dunkin’, not Dunkin’s. (It signifies the action of dunking, not ownership by someone named Dunkin.) This egregious error is made to the MA Governor as well, who somehow allows it to go uncorrected.


Never Have I Ever is a great watch.


love slocg, i wasnt sure it would be as fun without leighton but the character arc that bela goes through was really so good, I am so invested in her cant wait for s4!!!


Well now they gotta figure out a way to get  Seth in as a wizard.


When i think of Massachusetts,  i think of 1976 the Bicentennial, Bobby Orr, playing street hockey with an orange ball. Summers were hot and winters were, "wicked cold."


Oh! I was born in NY, but grew up here in Central IL & we had The Blizzard of '78 here, too. 20" of snow in Chicago & 50 mph winds! I'd guess we had about the same. People got stuck & stranded & froze to death in their cars. I remember riding in the back seat of the car (I was in elementary school then) that winter & all I could see was a wall of white: the snow was plowed up much higher than the car, so I couldn't see above it, the sky, or anything... just the white wall of snow. Freaky, huh? 
Then that spring, after Easter, we had The Ice Storm of '78: ice covered EVERYTHING, power lines down from the weight, so no power for 3 days in freezing temps.I don't know how we got back & forth, but with our good friends we would cook & bake with our gas stove & oven to not only make food, but to also help keep the pipes from freezing & warm it up a bit inside for us. Then we'd go to their house & their fireplace did the same at their house. They had an electric stove, so no luck there for them, but we didn't have a fireplace. I remember going outside to break the ice off our river birch tree to try to keep it from losing branches & breaking off. It was really pulled down far with the weight of all the ice on every single branch & all the way down every tiny twig pulling the tree all the way down to the ground. Just crazy, thick ice everywhere. And, there was no school or work for 3 days. It was late for a bad storm also: it was in the spring after Easter that year when the ice storm hit. It's one of 2 REALLY bad ice storms I can remember. I'm glad we were all ok.


Seth should appear as a personal trainer