over 6 months of pain, i almost can not believe that I can actually walk without pain, thanks for posting.
Omgh !! This gave me instant relief!! I’ve been suffering from meniscus pain for months ! And a torn ACL . My knee stopped popping after I did this !
My friend, you are a true savior. Been dealing for over 6 months of pain; on my right knee, I did your exercise and my pain now is gone. You sir have done for me in a 10 minute video what several doctors did not; alleviate my pain. Thank you sir and God bless you.
Wow 2 min legit eased my nagging meniscus pain I’ve been having for a decade!!!! I want to cry and rejoice!
Omg I tore my meniscus 28 yrs ago. Immediately I could walk without pain. Thank you
omg - instant relief from some serious pain i was experiencing. im a 62 yr old AVID runner who woke up unable to walk. went to my doc, got xrays but no treatment plan. i learned more from these videos and got significant relief. i am now your #1 fan. THANK YOU SIR.
Your youtubes have helped me much more than any face to face physiotherapist I have seen over the decades.You are gifted and very generous by sharing your knowledge to relieve the pain of everyone watching. Thank you so much.
I want to tell you that I have been walking around in pain for three days, not being able to put my weight on my left knee it was like the kneecap was frozen, I couldn't even lay my leg flat, it stayed bowed. I watched your video and did like you told us to do, and for the first time in a long while I was able to walk with no pain. Thank you so much!
Thank you. I went from being in constant pain and limping when walking to being in minimal discomfort and being able to walk without limping. I feel that a miracle has happened for me. My doctor gave me no advice about how to relieve my pain. Now I know there is an outlet for immediate relief before I am able to get an appointment for physical therapy.
if I could reach out and hug you, I would! I LIVE in pain! I've had 3 right knee surgeries, and a torn med meniscus in my left. Just a few minutes of doing these movements, have already eased the pain. You bet I'll be doing these every day! THANK YOU! <3
This has CHANGED my life. The knee pain I had would wake me at night, not to mention day to day pain. I have been pain free for two months! Back to working out and feel so great! Thank though thank you thank you!!!!!,
This tibial shift turned out to be my main knee problem. Travelled on an airplane for 15 hours. Cramped seating. I then started to have trouble straightening my leg after bent sleeping posture through the night . It was painful. Did massage that helped how my knee felt, but no true cure. Soon, I had quad fatigue halfway up my thigh. It never bothered me to walk, but knee ached when I bent it or lifted it. I had no hope the movements I did as directed in this video would work. The movements Immediately cured the problem. I mean Immediately!! Thank you
This is MIRACULOUS. I have been dealing with inner knee pain on and off, sometimes agonizing for 3 years. Began gradually, went to an orthopedic specialist first that just diagnosed IT Band irritation, gave me a knee brace (and billed the insurance $3800 for it), then sent me on my way, then visited an ortho surgeon who cursorily examined the leg and had an MRI done interpreted as "MCL and ACL sprain", 4 weeks of PT and Mobic prescribed, with limited healing. YOUTubing exercised have helped me 10 fold, with this AT THE TOP, thank you SO MUCH.
O.M.G... healthcare worker here... i just did this to my newly effusion non trauma inflamed knee, in real time to the video.. yep there's a problem with my kneee.... but damn. i just just walked up and down the stairs with no pain now. This is GENIOUS.
I'm 68 years old and just used the method this video described and it worked immediately. About 3 months ago I stepped sideways and felt minor pain on the inside part of my left knee. It has consistently been getting more and more sensitive until I used the method demonstrated by El Paso Manual.
So glad I found your videos. Being a truck driver your knee is constantly in a shifted position. So I never had a traumatic injury just stood up and could hardly walk . Your tibia shift exercises exercises are the answer for me , the clicking and pain has greatly diminished . Thanks again
I'm doubting if this is an another video that will do nothing for my recent knee pain. But this one is LEGIT! After doing the exercises demonstrated, I immediately felt relief. Can't thank you enough for sharing this video and hope you help more people like us!
Subscribed! I am a Registered Massage Therapist here in BC, and this makes a lot of sense. Found this video because I am also a trail runner with pretty bad genu valgum and in the past two weeks have developed medial meniscus pain. Great info, thank you.
Have medial meniscus tear with baker’s cyst did your exercise and got immediate pain relief Thank You !