The fact that the Beatles are still relevant after over 60 years just proves how great they were.
How appropriate is it that Let It Be, which is about Paul's mother, is being premiered on the day we celebrate Mother's Day in Mexico. Mother's truly speak words of wisdom.
Thank god The Beatles stuck together long enough to create this song. I know they were literally about broken up. I don’t know what I would do without this song in my life.
It’s a miracle The Beatles even existed. What a gift.
Finally an official Let It Be music video. One of the greatest and most emotion rich songs ever
I love George smiling and giving us a thumbs up to the camera at the start of the song. He was always my fav Beatles
Today is February 4th, Beatles Day! Even after more than 55 years, this song is still a timeless classic that always encourages me when I fail or have a hard time! Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr! May you be happy and healthy this year! And George Harrison and John Lennon! Rest in peace in heaven. From Japan
“Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.” What a song. Amazing tribute to his dear mom, Mary ❤
Billy's church organ transitioning to George's guitar is one of those iconic moments in a Beatles record. Chills!
This song helped me get through my son’s passing. 1990-2024. Love you forever Q❤️
My father just died: a man of the era of the Beatles, Bob Dylan, Elvis, and more. A few days before he died he asked for music. Listening to this, he cried for the first time in 40+ years. That was also likely the last time he cried.
Born in 1965, I don't even know a world without them. Amazing legacy.
They posted this on the 5th anniversary of my Dad's passing. He was the biggest Beatles fan I know. Miss you Dad everyday.
半世紀前の曲なのが信じられないくらい聴き減りしないし、心の残る音楽。ジョンとジョージが惜しまれるけど、残った2人がこうして今も生ける伝説ミュージシャンとして奇跡的に現役活動してくれていることに感謝したいし、最後までファンとして応援し続けようと思います!Thank you The Beatles!! from Japan
This song is 60 years old, and we are able to get HD footage of the inner workings of the instruments and singers involved. Truly a blessed time to observe gifted creators.
In December i had the opportunity to see Paul live. The emotion of being in a stage with 100,000 elderlys, childs, adults just singing beautiful songs... Beatles is forever. No words can describe.
0:10 in George giving a reassuring thumbs up and a goofy wave👍🏻Makes me smile for a moment.
It's been said 100 times and more. The Beatles are the best thing to ever happen in music.