
I can already imagine Bobs questions💀
“So why spider?”
“Why not caterpillar or beetle?”


I hope Brad signed on for equity because he is single handedly going to take this podcast to a whole new level. He brings a mature perspective, knowledge and substance.


brad is like the dad of the podcast now and he keeps it super professional. he brings that gentleman vibe. a good look for the future of full send.


Brad just loves this shit, and we deffinetly need him just dont stop raw talk either, the chemistry between these three is just what we need


Anderson’s energy is contagious. I was just smiling the entire time


I like that brad is doing his homework and knows the background and asking great questions


Brad went from a violent drug dealing criminal to a well loved podcast host


Kyle, we are not commenting on the video to judge your conversation. We are commenting because we feel like we're part of the conversation with you guys


Brad is like the father figure of the podcast. He’s respected and is open minded.


Brad Definitely needs to be a permanent co host! He knows how to keep a conversation going & knows the right questions to ask! Love seeing these PODS! 🔥


Brad carried the whole conversation 😂


Use this comment as a I love Brad as a host button 🙂✅


Steiny is the type of guy who's biggest takeaway from The Hangover was the effectiveness of roofies.


Nobody’s talking about how wonderful of a guest and man Silva is? This guy is a wonderful and honorable figure! Would love to roll with this guy or just be in his camp!


you can hear andersons passion for the sport, his family and himself couldn’t ask for a more inspirational episode


Brad is definitely one of if not the best hosts the pod has had 🔥


Honestly impressed with after fighting so long and English being his second language how articulate and well spoken he is, I died when he did air quotes talking about fake friends. Dude is a legend through and through.


Bobs crying watching his replacement doing 100x better than he ever could 😂


love having brad on the pod he brings like the older wiser sibling vibe


Heck yeah this is exactly what this pod cast needed was Brad to become a full time part of it.  Cheers yall