I've read The Invisibles end to end five times every time I get something different from it. The last time all I could see was the repeating patterns. This book does stuff to you on a subatomic level. It's a master class in comic reading for sure.
It starts at the old flats down my road. I thought when I was younger that it was made for me to help me see past what was infont of me ( poverty and crime ) I'll never forget Grant for reaching me when I was in a bad place.
Thanks for the review. I've been rereading this book since the 90s. I still haven't convinced anyone else to read it.
The Invisibles directly influenced The Matrix as well as Stranger Things. Stranger Things even includes a whole episode homage to The Invisibles (those that know, know exactly which episode i am talking about).
I just love The Invisibles, I've read it probably 4-5 times. ^^
this was such an excellent video of the Invisibles. i'd started watching it about 2 or so weeks ago, but stopped a quarter the way in. read the Invisibles and now came back and watched the entire video. it's made me appreciate what i just read all the more. definitely going to re-read this series again some time. not TOO too soon. need to let my brain cool off first.
my favorite comic. an initiation. after reading it ...it plays on in your mind and changes you on a subconscious level. It connects with the reader on such a deep level. This is the only comic that has fundamentally changed me as an adult.
The correlations to what is actually happening in the world are overwhelming.
Great video, just what I was looking for! Deserves a lot more than 400 views.
The book was designed as a “super sigil”. It seems to affect reality in strange synchronistic ways every time I read it. I’ve leant the first volume to a couple friends, neither of whom could bring themselves to read on after having these strange, far too specific coincidences while reading. But I love that stuff. Clearly I’m a fan 😜 Edit: also, great overview. I appreciate that you “did your homework” while reading it. I had a similar approach on my first read. Took me months to finish and lead me down some very strange and wonderful rabbit holes.
This is a new comment on an old video but from what I've glanced of this, the beginning at least, is very much taken from Michael Moorcocks Jerry Cornelius stories. The first Cornelius story begins very similarly to this.
just found this video, the shaman king must have been the inspiration for the one in American horror story , I never knew about the link to the matrix , so thanks :)
What a great video! I love invisibles so much more now. Thanks!
Okay I’ll read it
Great video guys!
The internet reigns supreme
Since you've got the omnibus behind you, I hope you found the invisible content on the cover! I read the book many times as it was released. The letter column was a cool place to hang out. You can find a PDF of the whole thing out there. Lots of references in the whole book. I'm not sure the Wachowskis owe anything more to Invisibles as Invisibles owes to its references. Of course Matrix had millions.
Definitely an underappreciated title. It's also sad that it's difficult to come by where I'm from. It took me 4 years to finally find ONE stock of volume 2 on the shelves. Literally only one for every volume I find. I only need the 3rd one now so i can finally comprehend the 4th one on my 3rd read through. 😂 I never get tired of re-reading them though and I found a few original prints from the 90s by dust diving in an old antique shop.
8:37 Sound Familiar?