
Truly blessed to have a Beautiful Woman in my life that I can listen to this song with in this new year, 2024


This cat got the chops ! He's got it in spades. I hope he comes back to Boston; I believe he would put on a great show!


I lost my husband October 6th  2022. There is not a Maxwell song that don't make me think of him. They make me want to scream and cry every time. I miss and love you dearly husband. ❤❤❤


This guy is on a class of his own. Words cant describe his unique talent.


Maxwell doesn't come
out often, but when he
does he leaves a presence. ✨️


I’m giving Maxwell his drink 🍺 Soul Legend for sure 👌


Maxwell is the only singer that I can listen to all the songs on his cds without skipping. All his songs are great. He doesn't get the recognition that he deserves. He is the best...love him


Smooth, Svelte, Sensual, Authentic, Pure heart, Musical Genius.


This is one hell of a song..🔥Maxwell is celestial..❤️


I feel this song was very underatted. It's super deep.


I have every album, every song, every single track or anything with Maxwell in it I have. I have been a big fan since 1996 this dude is just incredible.


Unfortunately the views are not as high as they should be bc more of the world is not about what Maxwell has always put out....LOVE.


Guy is one of the smoothest dudes ever. His music and whole persona


Impeccable,  A true musician. Tone, pitch, phrasing....hes the whole package in a vocalist. His voice is his instrument.  Never get tired of listening to him.


Peace and respect to Maxwell for sharing his talent and beauty for over thirty years for millions of people to enjoy and or benefit by in different ways.↗👌


Thank you Maxwell for still making real music. Masterpiece


My heart is pained, his music is underappreciated.  Only 1 million views?? It's okay Maxwell, u can have 10 and I will still love you.


Welcome back sir, music needs you.


I just started getting into Maxwell like less than 1 week ago. I used to listen to nothing but hardore, punk and metal but lately I've been into nothing but classic rock, soul, r&b, funk, disco and neofunk. This song just gives me the vibes and helps me appreciate my wife.


MAXWELL , me as a huge fan I will like to say ' you are heavens GIFT - A marvelous artist - you are untouchable. 

One of the best male artist EVER walking the earth !"