
I'm proud to say that I am now more than halfway! to whoever else is studying, hang in there and we'll all get this through together!


I know that you probably get one of these every day, but I can't emphasize enough the importance of the work you are doing. Your free course has fundamentally changed the lives of so many people watching these videos, and now it has changed mine. I got my CCNA yesterday, thanks to the useful information in this and other videos of yours.
In many ways, there is not a more noble task than creating equitable access to information, and you have done an excellent job. Please never forget that each one of these YouTube comments is an entire human being whose life has been radically and positively altered by you and your work. 
I owe you a beer if I'm ever in Japan.


multicast scopes:

ff01 - 1nterface 10ca1

ff02 - Link Local: (2 L's)

ff05 - 5ite local

ff08 - organisEIGHTion local

ff0E - global: FF0mE (F0mE means hunger, a GLOBAL problem)


After watching multiple courses and reading CCNA books I can say with confidence this is probably the best content on ipv6 (I haven't watched the rest yet). Thank you for your hard work and for  making this free!


The unique local section here is remarkable. The issue over the 'FC/FD' prefix is that it's so convoluted and confused everywhere I look, Jeremy, you finally make sense of it! Most other courses say the prefix should be 'FC' but sometimes 'FD'. But Boson was on another planet it seemed, very confusing to me, one of its exam questions specifies it must only be 'FD.' I'm glad you made sense of it, how you mention there's an update from FC to FD because the 8th bit must now be set to '1.' Now it finally makes sense! These little details are why I love your content!


As someone who's very well versed in copywriting, sales and marketing, let me tell you Jeremy - putting this content out there for free is a huge way of giving value, and will absolutely bring you SO MANY customers for your paid content in the future. 

This course is the ultimate lead magnet.


I always put like whenever i finish the video( that's my way of saying thank you) 
as I have tons of study I don't have time to write comments sorry for that .. 
but now that I truly know how much effort you put into making these slides , teaching us with the best way ever all for free !
 i want to say thank you so much , it's really appreciated with all of my heart


Wow, that was heavy (o o)'
God bless you for the flashcards!!


I came for a seasonal job this summer, which is the last, but after that, I will turn to networking. Fingers crossed.
Almost completed day 32 is going slower when you have a job but slowly getting there.
The first 5 minutes where you have to practice the IPv6 For three of those, I didn't even have to write down the addresses, and all were correct.
Usually, on my days off, I mostly study; my biggest aim is the CCNA.
By the start of June, I will also have BosonEx Sim.
I wish good luck to everyone.
Thanks Jeremy.


Quick tip for inverting the 7th bit when converting MAC addresses to EUI-64 interface identifiers in your head:
The 7th bit will always be in the 2s place in the binary. So inverting it will be as simple as adding for subtracting 2 from the number you're changing.
In 0144, just add 2 to the 1, and you get 0344. This works in the opposite direction.
In 5F84, F = 15, so subtract 2 to get 13. 13 = D, so 5F84 becomes 5D84. This also works in the opposite direction.
In 09FA, add 2 to the 9 to get 11. 11 = B, so 09FA becomes 0BFA. Once again, this also works in the opposite direction.
Happy studies!


You are an incredibly talented teacher Jeremy! You have a great gift in simplifying matters. I looked over explanations in other places, and none of them were as spoon-fed as yours.


Wow, that was a lot of information. I'm happy to say I did well on the quiz at the end but I will certainly be revisiting this periodically. I can't help but feel that by learning this information, that I am getting ahead of other people who don't want to put the effort in to learn the new technology. I felt that the Wikipedia diagram (the one that visually expressed Unicast, Broadcast, Multicast, Anycast) was very helpful in bringing all of the concepts together.

Another solid video Jeremy, there was a lot of information to cover here and I'm glad you prepared us for that at the beginning of the video. It helped me get into the right headspace to take in the details. With that being said I had to break it up into segments and take notes as necessary so I was not overwhelmed. Maybe other people will benefit from doing this too if they read my comment.

Cheers! 👋


14:20 for extra clarification the standard states that the first 10 bits MUST be 1111 1110 10 and the following 54 bits are all 0's, meaning the network prefix will always be FE80:0000:0000:0000:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx

This is from what I understand.


Thank you very much, this is Day 32 and I still keep going further, without your miracle course, It could never have been possible. Thank you.


Hi Jermey!  You are the best. I have learnt many tutorial's but never understand the IPV6 before this video. You really did a hard work for such contents. Wish you all the best for CCNP full course as well.


so grateful to Jeremy great job i have already completed a course through a  college that provides free certification paths .... i booked the exam completing all the requirement and have completed Measure up practice exam realised i will go through Jermey's as second resource... and i was absolutely right alot of concepts that much clearer and in simple plain logic is amazinggg i already extend my exam date and willing to complete the course i am now almost half way in 2 weeks time and willing to complete before my attempt i might extend it a week more to get Boson netsim practiced as well.....best of luck to all in pursue !!! i am in the IT Field from quite long i must say yearss just started to complete few certificates recently done Network + ISC Cyber and had few MS on my belt.....hope this will change alot....Thanks again to Jermeys great work!!!!!!


Jeremy, I swear ur voice somehow can fully make me concentred and I am really learning knowledge of it. Thank u so much.


tnx mr jeremy keep the work man you changing people live by sharing these video for real man more than any tipe of content on youtube.


when something starts clicking, it gets me super excited. Thank you Jeremy!!!!!


Jeremy i really like ur way of explanation and i need to pass that exam as soon as possible we need more videos please, and  i dont  want to go anywhere else to study CCNA i hope u can find more time to make more videos !!!