
Your parents are definitely proud of you Alex, you've come so far since living in your car. We all love you! Continue to keep growing as an amazing person and artist


I also lost my parents due to COVID19 when I was 11 years old and it was really hard time for me cause I didn't really know what to do in that situation. I had to move so many times to find a home and I finally found one. My brothers always tell me that my parents would be so proud of me cause I accomplished so much. right now I'm 14 years old and still trying to hang on and think about the good times I had with them. I am so proud of you keep doing what your are doing cause I bet they are looking down and thinking of how proud they are of you!!!.


THEY ARE SO PROUD OF HOW FAR YOUVE COME DUDE! DONT EVEN SWEAT ABOUT THAT, you’re an amazing young man, and you’re so lucky, honestly I bet they sent you her, gorgeous gorgeous girl, love kouvr!


Your parents are very proud of you! you are a very kind person and your loving toward people. I am 52 years old and raised 2 men that i am very proud of so i am willing to bet if your parents could come from heaven they would and hug you and tell you that they are proud of you. I have watched your story and my heart aches for you... Be proud of yourself..


Lost my mom 12 days ago…thank you for this song Alex. We will put her to rest this Friday and your strength is rubbing off on me bro. 👊


I lost my dad and my son a few months apart in 2021 and my mum  died last December.  Thanks for sharing this song...thanks for sharing your vibe and positivity. I miss them like it was just yesterday. I heard that good bye and realized i didnt get to say that to my dad or son but saw my a few weeks before she passed. They will always have saved seats in my heart❤❤❤❤😢😢😢. Your parents will be so so proud of you, I tell you ❤❤❤


I’m sobbing 😭 we love you Alex 🫶🏻🫶🏻


❤️ aww, this is so touching and also so sad, my heart goes out to you. Losing our fathers is a pain like non other.


One thing is for sure, your parents loved you, the best they knew how. And they’re so proud of you 🥺


I sob when I listen to this song. I miss my mom desperately.


Sorry for your loss,this is a beautiful song


You've done a wonderful job Alex ❤
You moved me with this✋🏻😭


This is so sweet I cried while watching it!!❤️


Alex, I’ve been watching your videos for quite some time, I remember one  where you had your first song playing in the background. I then realized that it was yours. That was the only thing I listened to after my little brother died then a bit later I heard chasing shadows. And to this day it is my favorite song. I wanted to thank you for helping me over come losing my brother and writing your music. I truly don’t know how to explain how touched I am by watch and hearing your story. I want to let you know that God has given you such a gift. I pray that you and your family are abundantly blessed because you truly deserve it. Your dad would be so incredibly proud of you and the man you’ve become. Sincerely, Danica


I love seeing my friend Lisa when she was happy. I miss her so much.


I’m sorry you lost your parents. I lost my dad when I was just a little girl and it’s hard but you have come so far and what you’re doing your parents would have been so proud of you and they are so proud of you.


I'm sorry about your parents I hope you found love and peace in the world


My heart is breaking whille watching  and listening  ...😭awww this is painfull 😭😭.


I’m proud of you Alex, keep going, we are all here for you and we love you so much!


Aww this is going to make me cry I am very sorry for your losses your can tell your parents raised am amazing genuman😢😍💙