
I like how Chris is turning this car into a business expense so it doesn't bankrupt him 😂


Came here to echo the comments on how much I enjoyed this 20 minute video 5 minutes after it went up. And Enzo is a great name for a dog.


More of these video please, bloody enjoy Chris being Chris and pooring over older cars


Loved the line of 10w60 in the boot floor 😂


Chris, I did a full Porsche Carbon Ceramic conversation on my E60 M5 15 years ago… speak to BG Developments in Bromsgrove or reach out as I still have the drawings for the disc bells and calliper carriers to convert the PCCB’s to BMW, front and rear (rears had the handbrake designed in the bells) 👍


Two proper car people.  Doesn't get better than that.


I had a Golf R32 for a couple of years. I enjoyed nothing more than going to the “doctor” to put it up and discuss what needs fixing. There’s something about these car discussions with the mechanic especially when you appreciate every part of the car driving experience and you look forward to making it even better.


Finally, someone talking sense about why the SMG is so good and engaging to drive. Great video as always


Honestly, V10, estate car....This thing could be up on blocks 90% of the time and I'd still be DEEPLY in love with it. Also, YES: INTAKE NOISE!! No moaning, droning, vacuum cleaner wooshing noises; let me hear pistons and valves!


Niel O and Chris back on the "On Cars" love this stuff, thanks boys 🤪


I saw the E28 in the end, that is a PROPER car! Will love to see more of it, the original film on it back in the /DRIVE days is probably my favorite video Chris ever made, nice to see it stuck around! Also yes, Enzo is a brilliant name for a dog. Loved that!
Will send this video to a friend tempted by these for how cheap they are to get to 200MPH in 🤣


The genuine car nuttery that is Mr. Harris brings utter joy to me!


Could listen to Chris natter on about cars for hours. Great stuff.


Darragh truly knows his stuff! And congrats to Chris for his sheer bravery in buying this magnificent machine.


I actually always drove my E92 M3 on the stick when on road, felt more interactive. On track I used the paddles (aftermarket ones which were great, but felt silly at 30mph)


I love this thing so much, I could never afford the maintenance so living vicariously through Chris is the next best thing 👌


I love these types of videos. It reminded me of 10 - 14 years ago Drive Channel, which was amazing and the best. Also, I love how Chris called people discussing old and worn parts nerds. He also calls people like that a "sad individual". Love it! Please make more videos like that!


Chris, you are a proper car guy, I hope you continue doing car stuff for a long time, as there are fewer and fewer of "your kind"! Also, you should do a collaboration with @M539 Restorations (YT channel, this guy is doing amazing work), I'm sure he'd make this car perfect! Cheers


Proper Chris Harris content 🙏 about a proper car ! More of this please !


Once again love the fact that the e60 platform is finally getting some recognition