
Argenti may be forgotten in our minds, but not in our hearts🌹


We need to rename Argenti as OURGENTI, the man is beautiful


Argenti will always be a unit that thrives or dies in his ability to one-shot regular mobs with his ult, and the bugs this time around.. have roughly 400k HP each :)
They're scaling up the HP way too hard way too fast and he just cannot keep up for a casual player, personally I managed a really fast clear with him but it takes either a lot of strategizing and playing around the mechanics or spending a lot of money, at which point if you gave The Herta the same amount of effort she'd delete the boss in seconds.

BUT, in favor for our paladin, he's definitely not bad, he atleast has the ability to clear well unlike other units that have really fallen off.


I will never forget my favourite knight Argenti 🌹 Literally skipped almost all characters just to pull him and his light cone <33


i keep forgetting his Kafka is built with crit and no speed LMAO


Argenti is actually a fun unit but I almost never use his full ultimate, he’s like serval on crack


Thinking about the Phys DMG buff… I think it may have been added for Boothill considering that bug boss’s whole gimmick is toughness breaking


Sorry Kek but as a Acheron main, I am very depressed with your Acheron team


im literally skipping 3.0 and 3.1 for  my fav knight, argenti... 🥀🥀


I love him he carries me on every Pure Fiction and for some reason he's been scoring really well in the last few Apocalyptic Shadows. He is legit my second best dps in my account.


I used Herta as main dps with Argenti on speed boots and ER rope for battery/sub dps. Support was Sunday and Aventurine.


For Lore and character setting, i really like and respect argenti. I mean,  who can hate our knight of beauty?


first side is basically made for him with the costant influx of enemies, even the +phys dmg% bonus


I completely forgot argenti existed


Yunli with the physical buff is really nice. Going with Robin fugue and a av/luocha is really nice


You are comfortable and funny dude Kekvin I like to see your new uploads!


Kekvin saying dot sucks, meanwhile dot is what helps me most of the time lol


Aragenti, RMC, Huo Huo, and tingyun/Sunday is a super synergistic team. The supports (not RMC) give aragenti energy, who can stack bursts, which also charges mems True DMG, which enables him to defeat more enemies, which also gets better damage due to the extra buffs that the supports give with their energy sharing moves. (Also probably aragentis best team)


You have no idea how desperately I wish I owned Argenti.


Seele got so forgotten she isn't even categorised as forgotten 🗿