
1:22 Establishing shot
2:39 Master 
4:23 Wide shot (WS)
5:35 Full shot (FS)
6:26 Medium full shot (FS)/Cowboy
7:17 Medium shot (MS)
8:51 Medium close-up shot (MCU)
9:57 Close-up shot (CU)
10:37 Extreme close-up shot (ECU)


The best film channel. 

This should be taught as a guide in schools.


I simultaneously envy and don't envy cinematographers. There's endless creative possibilities to the framing, positioning, and flow of a scene, it looks so fun and overwhelming at the same time.


StudioBinder's narrator is like the David Attenborough of filmmaking. Iconic.


We all saved ourselves from spending so much time and money of going to film school because of this channel. More power, StudioBinder!


Thank you for distributing such quality content for free, you have been an amazing teacher and an immense help to all of us.


This is legit, i dont need no dumb film school when i got studiobinder


This video establishes why cinema is an art in itself, kudos to StudioBinder


I see what you did there, using the culmination of the MCU to demonstrate the MCU shot, well done. I applaud whoever came up with this example.


It's so neat to actually get a window into the psychology of shots. I've found myself switching between these, instinctively, based off references from movies I've enjoyed, so, this was a really cool explanation of why some shots should be used over others.


I like how they used the MCU to explain the MCU lol


I just recently started learning about cinema, writing things down, and this channel has been of Great help, Thank you so much, keep the great job!


Let’s all be thankful that Studio Binder is putting out so much great stuff out here for FREE. Like, I feel like most people would charge money for this kinda stuff. 🙏


I know all of these shots but as soon as I sow this in my feed had to watch JUST LOVE THE WAY YOU GUYS TEACH #keepfilming and THANK YOU 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🤩🤩🤩


Wow! What a comprehensible guide; nothing short of what it says in the title as it is indeed ultimate. Understanding the properties of shots is an essential part of understanding the language of filmmaking, so I thank you for this video.


this channel is so well organized for anyone who wants to learn the very basics.


No channel makes better filmmaking classes than Studibinder


Establishing shot : Contextes toutes scènes, et transitions entre scènes. Crucial
Master shot : Confirme géographie et contexte scène (les persos etc). Capture la scène dans son entièreté 
Wide shot (WS) : Loin de caméra pour représenter visuellement la relation dans l'environnement, (taille des persos etc)
Full shot (FS) : Tete aux pieds, montrer un personnage dans toute sa gloire, montrer son état physique
Medium full shot (FS)/Cowboy : Tete à bassin, montrer un personnage confiant, dominant ou dans une confrontation
Medium shot (MS) : Neutre, (Tete à torso) montrer scènes sans trop perdre l'environnement 
Medium close-up shot (MCU) :  Tete à haut du torse, réduire les distractions pour focus sur les persos et l'histoire
Close-up shot (CU) : Eye level voir ce que les persos ressentent, empathie, drama, décisions
Extreme close-up shot (ECU) : Emotions fortes notamment les yeux, ou pour isoler quelque chose de crucial dans l'histoire. Super important pour souligner l'importance de la scène et la plus dramatique/intime

Je publie ce message le Mardi 10 décembre 2024 à 16:17, je t'aime maman je vais le faire!


I haven't found a film channel this good.All the others never talk about things practically like this one .So glad ,this was recommended to me! Definitely a subscribing.


Woah! I am developing a lot of interest into cinematography, and you have just made it so much easy to initiate the lessons to learn and start experimenting. Thank you so much