Omg love this makeup
You look absolutely amazing
Absolutely beautiful
Beautiful ❤❤❤❤❤
What’s the shade of the nyx pencil? 😍😍 Ty!
Makeup is good but I don’t use it because it not good for your skin so I use skincare products for my skin and now my face is clear🎉❤😮😊
What color and brand is that lipstick????
Where can I get that set from?
When that girl was sat there saying that, you could see that she had SOME form of makeup on. But NOBODY called her out.
Gorgeous 😘 slay mama 🐻
The audio tho…such a pick me girl lol. But the video 😍😍😍 100% slay!
What was the set
Can you tell me how to grow hair??
this validates that makeup takes away
😢😢 no girl
Then don’t do ANY enhancements aka: Accessories in jewelry, fashion, nail care, kempt hairstyles + makeup. U do u boo, huddle w/the worlds gloom… and leave delightful attractions…to us😉.
Why do people always have to do something that is with make up?
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 word