
Comment down below which song let you feel sad too♡︎♥︎
Have a nice day シ


The saddest part of life is when the person who gave you the best memories becomes a memory


Do you ever just want to cry but no tears come out so you just sit there staring into nothing while you feel your heart break on the inside?


The worst part in life isn’t being alone. It’s being surrounded by people who make you feel like you’re alone


If anyone here today for 2025 and listening to this and is going through a rough time, don't give up on yourself because its never too late to be better and life does get better. Just give yourself time to heal, learn and grow. If people treat you horribly for no reason then just know it isn't your fault.


its just crazy how the comment section understands you better than your friends


its sad thats random strangers understand you more then the people you have known your whole life


This is how many people wanna cry rn cause their life is falling apart but don’t wanna become depressed>


I’m going threw so much rn I don’t know how to feel or what to do but I know I don’t want to be here no more but I stay for my son and my wife this music helps me relieve the tears that I can’t let out normally


"Sometimes, crying is the only way your eyes speak when your mouth can't explain how broken your heart is"


Who else try’s to act like they big and badass when really they just want a hug and someone to tell them they love you


Saying “I’m okay” is much easier than explaining a whole reason as to why your sad. Sometimes u don’t even know why.


It's sad that the person who makes you feel special today makes you feel unwanted tomorrow 😭😞


The saddest part of living is putting so much trust in a person and them leaving you...
"Friends and relationships always end up toxic" tysm for all the likes and sharing your stories with me :,)


The saddest part is when no ones understands your pain and they think your seeking for attention but In reality you know they won’t understand bc they won’t care


I don´t care if this gets likes but, who else is the one putting others first and making sure everyone else is happy when mentally you are breaking down knowing you will always be alone.


I swear this comment section is nicer and more supportive then people in real life♥


“All it takes is a beautiful fake smile to hide an injured soul and they will never notice how broken you really are.” - Robin Williams.


"The saddest people try their VERY best to make everyone else happy because they know what it feels like to feel/be worthless."


Who else is tired of getting told “it’s gunna get better”