Genius use of the seahorse
Mongols with horses: conquer all Asia. Mongols with seahorses: Conquer all world.
The vending machine screen getting sadder and sadder as great khan hits it with an axe
Typhoon has been real quiet since Khan dropped
The smiling horses and intern hard at work made this short epic. :_Jpan:
They forgot they were in modern times 💀
I love the scene when they ride across the ocean even though they’re full aquatic animals
The face on the vending machine getting sadder as the vending machine gets destroyed lmfao
Oh so that's how the 20 000 reached Japan
I love the Mongolian Empire!
Horse? Mongols? A duo made in heaven.
As mongolian its funny because we say "Mongolians are nothing without horse"
The fact they look so curious 😂
the reaction of japan country balls at end was the funnier part
Intern: “It’s called… a *seahorse*!” Khan: “… Keep talking…”
the only reason why mongolia didn't conquer the world is because they didn't know about seahorses
“Let’s take the starfish along with us” Japan having flashbacks 💀💀💀
He kah’nt get over it
So that’s how it was done. I wonder if Genghis Khan has seahorse descendants as well…