FUN FACT: Here in Ireland when the TV channels would shut down, they would have a priest say a prayer LIVE because Ireland was just that catholic
is it weird that Im always thinking "How is Tugg gonna tie this to the Cold War"?
In a few yrs: “The death of streaming services”
You forgot one of the biggest 180°s when TruTV went from airing actual Court trials to a 24-hour Impractical Jokers station
The "Boobs" to "Putting things in your mouth" pipeline was insane.
4:11 i hope you do know that füm’s flavors are aromatherapy essential oils which can be really harmful to the body to breathe in like that. yeah it’s less harmful than nicotine but you’re still breathing in something that could cause pneumonia
Waiting for Tugg to release a "this company that supposedly made those vape replacers... Turns out, who coulda guessed, is a scam..." video
The sound of Tugg complaining is my new favorite genre of music.
I instantly know if I've met a real one if they know about the ruff ruff man show, and how it ended before any of us were old enough to compete in it.
Can we all appreciate how much research Tugg puts into these?
So glad I started this in our break room at work accidentally on full power to "CANT GET ENOUGH TUGGING!?"
I 100% agree with ad breaks, they are very well placed so they're breaks and you get to challenge yourself to make it so you do it in time
Tugg, please, I need Peacock to at least outlive my grandma because that's where Days of Our Lives is and this woman has been watching it since the day it aired and I just do not want to deal with the wrath that shall be unleashed if she can't watch her favorite soaps anymore.
Tv static would taste crunchy. This is fact.
What’s crazy is how cable tv refuses to lower their prices seeing how most people have already switched to streaming
I used to think people with cable were rich. In my family we had laptop that was dated even back then that we had to place on a cookie tray with a fan under it to stop it from overheating, playing a DVD from either redbox or Netflix when they used to send you DVD's in the mail, hooked up to an old hand me down tv without a sound bar and that was our movie night
The reason Cable TV (and TV in general) was so good back in the day is because we would use that for our socialisation. We would watch our favourite shows, then go into school the next day to talk about what we watched. The reason I think TV died now is because there isn't really that FOMO that TV causes because you can just catch up with it again and so there's not really as much of an interest in larger TV series. FOMO now is much more short. There's not really TV Shows that grab people's consciousness throughout their whole run time and people are more swayed by the new, rather than keeping their attention to one show through the whole season. FOMO comes in spurts now and is changing all the time, where before FOMO was more about making sure you got home as soon as possible to catch the latest episode of your favourite TV show.