
The”How do you have my address”😂


Claire: “I heard you were paying for people’s therapy for your new song”
Alex “Shit 😃”


My aunt is going through a really hard time and her parents won’t get her help she really needs it so I sent her this video and she doesn’t believe me but I really want to help her so much because I love her. So is there anyway that you could maybe some how do something to show her that this is true and that you will pay for therapy for her? If not that is completely fine! And thank you so much I love your videos so much and your music!!! ❤❤❤


you're so sweet alex 🥰 i wish u a life filled of happy moments with your loved ones ❤


People who like his music 


🥺🥺 your so amazing


International super spies, SUPER SPIES!!!!




some jobs offer therapists through the insurance


see this is why i love alex
edit- there’s many many other reasons this is just one i’m sorry if i offended anyone


“But some of you found my address” 🐟


It’s really easy to find addresses. I have an address box with peoples address and if they make me mad, stranger or not, I read there address, phone number, and parents phone number to them. Sometimes I’ll find family members and there address too. Only if they really piss me off.




The shit was so funny


So I'm broke. I do love your song, but I don't need therapy. You can always venmo some money to me, cause you know, I'm broke. (😂People are so taking advantage of him)


He looks like caseoh… I can’t be the only one that thought that😫






The "I heard ur paying peoples therapy by posting a new song shit!"