This made me cry a little bit. It was so sweet.
I wish that they are more people like this😢
Hi you are the best youtuber ever I love you ❤
Me: wanting a hug for free🤗
last month i saved a pup someone tied to a dumpster
Who else just loves lia Her vids are so interesting and sooo good
I love God and I hope God blesses all these people in the video that needs help😊
First wow the best reason to sub to sssniperwolf❤
This is not wholesome. It’s more than that.😊😊😊😊😊
All Humanity was lost until this video was made😃
The part when the taxi driver helps the dogs and feeds them is very sweet and I love it.
I love all of your videos!
love you girl keep up the good work ❤
I didn't get to half of the video and I almost cried because there aren't a lot of people like this in a lot of places all of these people should get 100% respect.
18:03 my son had the monkey leash… he loved to go exploring 😂
The way andrew said “I don’t think you’ll make it either”
17:43 I remember when I got lost in a store I was around 3 years old, I didn’t know where I was and so I went up to this lady and she was super kind and helped me
I love your vids I’ve been subscribed since I was three and I had my grandmas phone
This is the vid I needed