
"I'm going to follow the narrator for my first playthrough." 
Three minutes later, he in the broom closet, refusing to leave despite the narrator telling him nothing is in there.


“Hello, big daddy joe” is now my first message of every stream


50:47 one thing I absolutely love about the "Go back and look at that fern" part is there there is an actual payoff to it, years after this games release, in the Deluxe edition of the game which adds a whole bunch of new endings and meta commentary, you can get these as advertised pointless collectibles, and the narrator takes you through the Memory Zone to re-live grabbing them over and over, after you re-live those moments, you arrive at "The Present" which is just a TV playing back your screen...and... THE FERN. Its not pointed out at all, but its just sitting there, which I think is amazing. Stanley really did study it carefully, and remember it.


19:25 "Do you wanna put him in the fire?" Silence No context whatsoever! 🤣


“Do you want to put him in the fire” I could hear the death stare 💀💀💀


Joe loved the button pressing game about family so much that he thought "Why not make it four buttons at the same time and also on real life."


I remember introducing the original to my roommates in college who weren't into video games and it blew their minds.


it's so funny that despite the entire narrator's speech during the bomb sequence being about 'you have no power, no way out, I am the one in control, the buttons and terminals are a placebo', still every person I've watched play that section says some version of "Oh, was there a solution I missed?" it's kind of crazy how those brain-tickling problem-solving mechanisms are so unbelievably addictive to our psyches.


"Don't let time choose for you" A bit cliche but still the best life advice anyone can give


It was hilarious watching him hit every button on the console except the one color on the screen. 

"What do I do!!!" - Man presented with color matching* game


The Broomcloset Edit is my favorite


Idk why but the concept of Joseph Anderson Bingo is just so amusing. I have to try it next time he starts a new game.


The pretty room around 1:06:00 actually also has an ending. After... 8 hours, I think. 
And god it hurts to hear just how depressed the narrator is at that ending.


Your compilations are awesome, I hope you continue to make more! They're so much easier to digest than the massive VODs.


Given how there is an ending for saving the baby for 4 hours it makes sense that people expect the bomb to have a solution


I'm glad to see on that end-video joke to see I am not the only one who suffers constantly from YouTube almost always queing OneyPlays videos, over and over and over despite how many times I've actually watched them.


the madman keeps making highlight videos thank you


He did not put Flowey saying "Seems as if everyone is perfectly happy." at the fake video ending at 10:22 holy hell, STUPIDLY clever little joke! I wouldn't be surprised if some of that other stuff is also from the good endings of games.


Such a good stream. Thanks for the edit


these edits have become a comfort food, this and the human ingenuity xcom run by generalconfusion plays or whatever his name is are my version of sleeping pills