As someone who has suffered from this and treated it time and time again on my self, my number one advise would be… to be very mindful of your diet and what you are consuming this is key 🔑 start a elimination diet, go to the bare basics for one month, strictly “whole foods” nothing processed or manufactured or added. So basically if you cannot eat it in it’s natural form (how it is grown naturally from the earth) then do not consume it. Cooking is okay i.e meat, fish, vegetables. After one month on this strict diet you will see radical healing of your symptoms. If you can stick to this diet then great if not you start to re-introduce your tasty must have foods and then see if they trigger the symptoms to come back. Key number 2 - hydration, some say the body is made up of upto +90% water so stay hydrated people!! This will allow the skin to be more moist and allow your bodily functions (organs) to do their job (detoxing) and maintain a good harmony (balance) with in the body. Please seek professional medical advice on how much water you should consume on a daily basis. It’s Pretty easy to Google and look at different sources of advice too. Also a good tip “drink the best water” that you have access too. Not all waters are made equally lol, but being correctly hydrated on any water is better than being dehydrated. Key number 3 - stress management as we all know the stressful periods in our lives are when we get the worst symptoms, it’s best to incorporate daily rituals in order to manage your stress levels more effectively, things to do : activities you love doing. Meditation , yoga , listening to music that calms you. Being in nature, listening to nature, handling the cause of the stress so it’s more manageable later on in life. Remove people and situations from your life which are causing stress. Learning to navigate through life’s stresses is a whole topic within its self. There are Loads of helpful videos on YouTube to cover this subject. Last but not least, please remember that you and you alone are responsible for your healing journey, please please please do the research watch the videos and take the steps to trying what ever it takes for you to find what works for you. No doctors or family member is going to work as hard as you can work in fixing these issues, it’s time to take back our universal given powder and make a change. Remember that’s there’s a life out there where you can mange if not “eliminate” these symptoms all together. if your are willing to make the sacrifices in order to live a better day to day life. Also everybody is different you have to find what combination on methods work for you and don’t give up, you’re more powerful than you could ever know.
we need to stick together as victims of this curse. God will heal us all I believe and have faith in him that he will just keep your heads up guys we’re in this together
Btw if anyone itches in their sleep and wakes up covered in blood and scratches, lying in dead skin. I recommend wearing plastic gloves to bed. It may sound silly but it's really helped me because if I do itch in my sleep, my nails won't directly touch my skin, so I'll do less damage. If you get Eczema on your hands, you put the cream on first, then the gloves on top.
No bc I’ve had eczema all my life. Diagnosed around an infant and has had it all my 16 years alive. 😭I can’t use anything scented, detergent,perfume,lotion,body and hand wash,shampoos etc. my flare ups Can come from weather,fragrance,pets, if my skins dry,dye,contact with certain things. I’ve tried stuff and nothing rlly helps it. They get bad to the point where they bleed,skin peels off, and turns yellow sometimes. Once there was a time where it left a huge yellowish mark on my face 💀. Kids legit used to run from me when I was younger or I’d get told that i might pass them a disease.Tho it’s hard, I’ve learned to embrace it and not let it take control. Much luv and support to all my eczema ppl out thereeee 🧚🏾♂️ Mwuah.
I been diagnosed with eczema since the age of two. I remeber waking up after itching the heck out of my arm and it was bleeding and puffy. The pain and burning is so bad there are no words. When I was 16 I found out it had no cure, It broke me. The looks you get when you have red patches all over your neck and face, gosh it makes me feel like a freak. The stinging is so bad. I tell people I have eczema and I get constant “oh yea I had it as a child it wasn’t bad”. Hopefully there is hope for a cure.
I recently found out that I had eczema it started in March where I had little bumps on my wrist then those bumps started to flake and burn when I washed my hands so I had to take creams yet still everytime I stopped taking them it always came back now my eczema is still flakey but I know that God will give me the strength to go through it and I pray for everyone who do have eczema have the strength to fight through it and not effect us anymore❤
Tip: I would prefer gold bond eczema relief because you would hear a sigh of relief and it doesn’t burn your skin. I got eczema at the back of my knee both legs and it kinda itches. And this is why I don’t wear shorts.
I currently only have about 4 small spots of it but it gets annoying at times so I hope scientist can find a cure soon.
Im really insecure about it but luckily i have good friends that like me for me ❤
No one understands eczema hurts and makes me look weird and everyone always laughed at me called me lobster arms and everyone always put creams on my arms that burned really bad and made it even worse god I wish it would just go away
Sometimes it so hard to carry on with this, it hurts, it’s painful, it makes my life shitty. I have to take pills to make it less itchy and use creams that don’t even work. This is more than a curse, I wish it stopped.
my entire body is covered in it and i hate it so much, everything hurts and itches and my family just pushes it aside and just tell me not to scratch and it will get better, but it's not that simple. I'm in insane amounts of pain and all my treatments i've tried have only ever made it worse. I hate this skin condition so much, i wish it would just go away
Anyone else have big thickened sores as well as rash, dryness, weeping, fungal and infections? Reading the comments I didn't realise there were others that sort of understand what I'm going through. My self esteem is in the gutter, stuck in bed some days. Ripping dried cotton socks of my feet is so painful. Hopefully the biologic medicine ( or Low dose naltrexone works.
i have this all over my body, and i wish it wasn’t.
Aww man, My friend has eczema and I need to find out how to cure him but the information might help
I'm recently diagnosed, thinking it was my meds. I understand now that the outbreaks have a lot to do with what I eat and stress? All my life, no eczema, now at 70 yo, I'm about to scratch the skin off my head.
Sometimes I wish I could lend you my ears, lend you my thoughts and lend you my tears. Sometimes I wish I could lend you my shoes, lend you my life and lend you my truth. Lucky is she, who lives unaware, who doesn't get bothered by those who don't care. Lucky is he, who lives unaware, who doesn't get bothered by all that's unfair. Unlucky me, who knows way too much. Who fights to make changes and music and such. Unlucky me, aware of the pain. All because I happen to have some brain. -Blow My Brains Out
I have eczema on my inner elbows, inner knees and thighs. it is so painful especially when I have to wear my school jumper and it rubs against the dry skin. some people even saw my scratch marks and thought it was sh. I’ve constantly been told that it’s not that bad but I wish I could just give them my painful, itchy skin for a day and they can just understand the pain