
Asalamu Alaikum sister, thank you for posting these inspirational videos. Your video’s are one of the main reasons why I converted to Islam ☺️💞 May Allah reward you and bless you ❤️


Inshaallah may Allah give me strength to be more open to Allah like you


Subhanallah, self care is something we continuously have to remind ourselves to make a priority. I read a quote that said "If you don't make time for you wellness you will be forced to make time for your illness." It's nice to have this community to connect with other muslimahs as a part of our self care, Jazakallahkair.


watching makkah live on youtube heals and nourishes so well I sleep with it on and wake up healed and rejunevated ❤ thankyou for always putting up calm loving warm content


I love your videos 🩵 MashaAllah. Your Ramadan videos last year helped me so much as a new Muslim. May Allah SWT bless you, dear sister.


I feel so relaxed and at peace after watching that, jazakiAllah Khair! I'm inspired to do a day like this too. May Allah swt grant you barakah in everything you do, ameen


Thank you for sharing a “lifestyle” of a muslim woman content, it’s really needed and much appreciated❤️


Jazakallahu  kairan ❤


SubhanAllah ☺️self care with healthy salad and delicious dessert it’s amazing 🤩 completely motivational vibes ☺️thanks for sharing dear ☺️👍🤲


Very good sharing, informative and thanks friend..


Assalamualaikum sister. I feel peace watching you and listening to you. Can't express how obsessed I'm with your vlog. You're an inspiration. May Allah bless you with the best. ♥️🤲🏻


Absolutely enjoyed the video here my dear, this is such a nice day and it is very relaxing as well! Having these kind of days are absolutely important and needed! Thank you for sharing your self care day with us!❤


Ma Sha Allah.. aspiring  vidoes , watching here from Philippines! 🇵🇭


Jazakallahul khair for this❤️
Sometimes, with how busy we are, we do forget to take care of ourselves.
May Allah make it easy for everyone ✨


MashAllah a sister filled with Tawheed may Allah SWT admit you into the company of the sahaba r.t.a and prophet pbuh in jannah ameen


Mashallah 🥰 this is the most beneficial youtuber that i came a cross may allah reward you ur good deed sis


Mashallah sister, you're such a beautiful soul. Your reminders always make me feel so calm. My life seems so hectic, jumping from one thing to another; and you seem so serene Mashallah. Thank you for your efforts and may Allah swt reward you. X


soso calming and real! need more content like this <3


Agreed about the sugar otherwise it’s too much sugar


Assalamualaikum sister!! Masha allah you do have a blessed day alhamdulillah nice to see how you spend the little time
And I love your pie recipe....