Got these a while back after checking out your review and couldn’t agree more. They ended up being my daily’s and stay perfectly clean (besides the tongue) with a quick scrub every few months. My soles still match my upper…for now
Dude you should try the 1983 version of the shoe! It’s higher quality leather and better shape and details to better mimic the original shoe from the 80s. If you like the standard issue Reebok Classic, you’ll LOVE the 1983 version. Take care
These look so nice worn in, you make me wanna get a pair 🔥
For the loose threads you can take a lighter to the sneaker and quickly tap the area and slap the sneaker so it only burns the threads, just make sure the area is pure cotton or leather because polyester will catch flame quick
Do you think these shows would be good enough for walking a ton in Europe? Or walking in general! Love the breakdown!!
Can you make a video on the grey ones how you style them?