
bad day + juicy new video=good day


Nothing makes me happier than opening youtube seeing that a new juicy vid just uploaded. Keep doing what the people need!


it was a generational loss, love how authentic you are and always love when you upload


Depression + juicy posting + snabbys =  BEST DAY!🥴


8:00 insane 😂


Woke up set off to work load YouTube see juicy uploaded 👀 todays going to be a good day


watching juicy's new video while eating = perfection


Slurpy has a diabolically big win waiting for you my brother


5:10 I’m planing my vacation to Romania in the next few days. But I ain’t gonna miss no Juicy videos that for sureeee🙏🏼


Day 66 of asking Juicy to do a one time livestream ‼️🔥🍀


Another banger!!! even tho its a loss. How many likes for me be a guest in a fan spending balance video?


day 1 of asking juicy to do some shadow strike feature spins <3 love your videos juicy


Juicy I thank you for show all your losses as well, so that people understand both sides to gambling. All the love to you juicy❤️




Juicyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!! My guy. No generational wealth but definetely a top tier video as always. Can’t wait for that 200K so let’s get him there.


Juicy videos are always some gas package appreciate you brotha we are all npcs in your my career


This is the definition of life for me
Having my dinner with a very cold beverage while watching juicy slots video❤


The most dramatic first 8 minutes I've ever been a part of. Love it man. Lol


I'm still proud of you. Gambling is difficult but can be a way to make some money. From my experiences, +70k to 0. You can win a lot but you can lose more.
Play responsibly guys


Sup Juicy! a little video suggestion, King of the Hill with your favourite slots?