
Who agrees that Maizen is the best youtuber❤❤❤❤❤


LOVE YOUR VIDEOS! You guys are like my favourite YouTuber. You guys make the best videos!


I ❤ all your videos!!!


This is my favorite YouTube channel!


thx maizen
for the vid


My favorite part was the piston armor. I laughed when JJ put Mikey off it was funny😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I think that is the one other that next week you post but I'm happy 😊


15:00  he repeat saying Yes!


Amazing vid❤


I love the same thing as well as I just saw 😅was scary movie😊🎉❤


Only real maizen hide and seek fan can like this 😊😊 and if they don't like this they are not really maizen hide and seek fans😊😊😊


It have pased 4 years from no see . Youre was me childhood. 
Thanks you from evrything.
I will never forgive you in me heart ❤


WOW That's crazy!!! So funny!! 😂


Maizen always satisfies us 



I love love maizen it’s my favorite 🤩 and jj is my favorite character


Maizen is da GOAT I've been watching since the channel started😊😊


This mincraft for playing maizen is amazing❤


I’m early!


I really love the hide and seek challenge of maizen


Amazing as always I love mikey