
Totally agree about the lounge chair! Cause in the book he stops when they could have done it on a couch simply because he didn’t want their first time to be on a couch!!!!!


You’re commentary on the episode reviews make me laugh out loud! Thank you for bringing sunshine to my days.


I just finished watching part 2 and immediately came here because no one I know IRL watches it


Can't wait....of course we want to see your episode 4 recap, you've got mad skills!!


Sammy, I love you ❤ your passion and obsession for the show is SO great 😂 and you look GORGEOUS! 💯


Dude, if you release video 5 hours long, we will watch it, dont stop yourself ❤


I work 16-hour shifts and I listen to your videos the whole time. I sometimes listen to your video again cuz I feel like I missed something and then go watch the episode again. If you videos have anything to do with bridgeton or Queen Charlotte I am here❤❤❤


So sad I missed it, so happy I found it and it is saved :) I am so happy for you, on your 10.000 subscribers. Congratulations again 🥰


Replay crew. I've got exactly 1hr until part 2 drops and watching this is how I'm coping 😂

Also! Totally get you on processing issues. I'm the type to binge a wiki before watching a show/movie to understand it.


Definitely my favorite episode of the season


I liked the carriage scene better. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Shailene Woodley

Mixed with Catherine Zeta-Jones. That is who I think you look like :)


I totally recorded it on my phone and watched again before the rest of the episodes were released


The books were written 20 years ago, JQ might have written the characters differently. Love your videos


Thank you for going live! I just needed to hear thoughts after! I'm not sure how I feel, clutching my heart! It was a lot!


Love your analogy of the Bridgerton reviewing! I am disappointed in season 3 on many levels. When I watched the mirror scene I thought it was not the best, however why in the world in the episode 6, 7 and 8 is there nothing from them? There was one moment when Colin was sleeping on the setee he went inside the bedroom to grab a blanket and that is when they should have done something. I also thought in this scene he could have maybe sat on the bed with her and opened up his journal and read something from it, without any touching it would have helped build up their making up and showing how he still wants to love her so much. Completely left utterly disappointed with this season. Like, seriously why more Benedict scenes? It honestly was a huge disappointment. There were soooo many moments Colin could have given it to her and we got nothing. Okay this is me editing my comment: I watched the part 2 again and have slightly different feelings about it! I loved it, actually. I think the part that was the let down for me is they never took it there completely with polin. I think they hyped up the intimacy scenes in their pr tour that I became disappointed with how lackluster it was. But, overall rewatching it, I do think the other things were written so well! Just dang, what a frustrating thing to not get that intimacy scenes with Polin 😮


Just one thing I noticed.. after the this may hurt line she didn’t actually flinch right when he put it in.. but then later she enjoyed it almost instantly 😏


I still have to wait 4 hours till I can watch...


30 pages is wild 😂 but I want to hear


See the problem on how they wrote Eloise is yes the intent is there but here execution and insensitivity cancels out her good intentions. She's looking very self centered and brazen even in her own brother's engagement. She was even so insensitive with Cressida's problems. 
They made Eloise all feelings and no thinking which doesn't make any sense! She keeps saying she doesn't know Pen because she only remembers the time when Pen impresses her or agrees with her. Never when Pen disagrees. 
The know it all girl trope doesn't fit the Eloise character. She comes from a loving home with brothers who respect and listen to her. So where is this narrow mindedness from?? And no it's not just because she's uneducated, Daphne, Hyacinth are quite different but still manages to know how to feel a room. Eloise is just difficult. And that's lazy writing.