
nasty pop girls are so back and i’m so here for it


I need y’all to understand, this is the level of quality from a dirty pop song that we have dearly missed, and I see her being a household name soon


“You can do it on your own, while you’re looking at me.” GAGGED. SHOOK. ABSOLUTELY ICONIC. OMG.


This is a mix of Buttons and Slave for you. Love it


It sounds like pop star sh!t from the early 2000s like Pussy Cat Dolls Buttons & Nelly Furtado Promiscuous I LOVE IT!!! Tate's doin' amazing


The whispered chorus is brilliant.


she is so britney coded and im fucking here for it.


I thought people had forgotten how to write real 2000s inspired pop, this doesn’t sound cheesy at all. Welcome back!


sexy, catchy, dacing in the club vibes


Serving looks, vocals, creativity, exactlyyyy. Here to stayyy


"U forgot to leak this..." was the most iconic quote from tate ever


Best song on the album.  I love how she's showing girls that the curvy female body shape is absolutely stunning and they can all use it as a super power. She looks amazing


This woman has pop music in her hands, keep feeding us these works of art.


When I heard the "buttons" sample, I knew it would be tasty!!


Can’t spell tate without ATE


Omg the intro goes so hard 0:14


This has to be her most high budget video yet, I don’t think she’s ever done this many different hair colours, styles and outfits for one song


this is so much darker and nastier than her previous releases omggggg I LOVE ITTTTTT


The whispered chorus is my drug of choice


Your best song... I am obsessed! More like this pleaseeee. It's giving Britney Blackout.