good stuff. My other class from my Trading company suggests 1x ATR for the Stop below and 2 or 3x ATR for your target limit to take profits.
Thanks much, this is the most easily understandable ATR video that I’ve come across. Cheers, John.
I love how you explain the underlying logic first
You are fattening my pockets man .
I hear trading is 80 percent psychology, and 20 percent trading. Can you suggest a book where I can learn the psychology of trading?
Hy hy what's up my friend,indeed always happy to watch your awesome contents my friend 👌❣️
Hey! Hey! Hey! What's up, Rayner? Always a pleasure to watch your videos. I'm learning every day
Excellent video. Questions: Do you use trailing stops? How do you set them?
this Video I totally understood what you were presenting. thanks I love the videos.
Hey Rayner! Could you explain Log Scale? I know how it works but just need to understand its strategic use. Thanks!!!
Very well, how do the smart money shoot the price downwards? By short sell, selling real shares or other methods? Conversely, how do they push up the price to take profits? What are their common tricks to lure retailers within a few minutes?
Can we use the same technic for calculating stop loss with ATR and area value with 5mn time frame?
what is the high point of value or how do i find it? Thax for the video, just starting to become a trader.
Thanks Mr Teo for these useful and helpful videos which help me a lot.
Hello, thank you much. Is this stop loss setting strategy for day trading or swing trading?
Hey hey what's up Rayner, appreciate sl video
Thanks Rayen am really leaning alot from this course thank 😊 you
Excellent explanation. Thank you.❤
Thank you, most grateful!!!