
If your skin feels dehydrated, make sure to drink plenty of water and consume lots of fruits and vegetables with high water content, and avoiding drinks with caffeine, opt for a gentle facial wash like riceberryy face wash by liittleextra to keep your skin's pH balance at 5.5, refrain from rubbing your face too aggressively, consider applying Hyaluronic acid to help your skin hold moisture, and apply raw, unfiltered honey as a hydrating facial mask to maintain clear, bright, glowing skin free from pimples; and in case you're feeling stressed, remember to relax and maintain happy, healthy, stress-free skin.


Sanamkpgreview kna din ng mga facepowder na good for oily skin ..


thank you sm po! this is very helpful in building my own skincare routine. forda glowup sa 2024!!


been waiting for this video from youu coz we have the same skin type and you're the only one i trust here in youtube huhu. thank you so muchhh! you're such a gem💎


Omggg YOU Sunscreen!!! Panalo talaga nito to think na tinest ko to together with other top and trending na Lightweight Korean Sunscreens! Thank you for finally featuring and giving your thoughts about it. 🥲 Mas panatag ako dahil Jan Angelo approved! 🥰


Goodness gracious, you're using the Y.O.U sunscreen. I used it as well. It's kinda pricey but it's 3 in 1 which can be use as a primer, sunscreen (of course) and a moisturizer.


you win my heart! you deserve my subscription. 😊 Unlike sa ibang sikat na content creator, very honest at naka based talaga sa research and science. Yung iba forda sponsorhip lang talaga. Thank you sa knowledge ❤


Added some of products on my cart. Problem ko talaga oily skin + night shift at work. I had to start na to take care of myself especially my skin. Thanks for the infos.


Mamsh! Dami new skincare products ng Human Nature. Sunflower oil with bakuchiol, hya day moisturizer, cera night moisturizer, pore clarifying cleanser and vit c. Kahit di review, your thoughts based sa ingredients please. ❤️


Just when I was about to search relating to this. How lucky that I’m early! Also thank you so much!!! I will definitely be consistent on doing my skin care routine 😭😭


Ceramide’s products review and recommendations naman po. Thankyou


hellooooo!! i’ve been watching you for more than 2 years now i think pero i just want to ask if you’ll make an updated sunscreen video?


Face Republic sunscreen po sana mareview din 😊 What if hndi po hiyang sa salicylic cleanser ano pong pwede ipalit thank youu❤


Malaking tulong ka sakin ang vedeo Sir jan angelo last year puno din pisngi ko acne ...cetaphil cleanser nakatulong skin and moiztorizer  and sunblock thank you sa ngayon no pimples na face ko and pagmka pimples ako din pero isa isa nalang


Hello, Can you make a shampoo review for a healthy hair and scalp for frizzy and dandruff free hair. List of sulfate,silicone and paraben free po sana, ranking from may budget to konting budget😜 Since it requires an extra care too like our face and body. Thankyou! Anw, Youre my most trusted  filipino here in yt when it comes to skin care! ❤❤


Do you have a suggestion for night shifters like me, for a skincare routine? Our day is at night time and our night time is during the day. Thanks!


I am new to your channel. Buti nalang YT recommended your video. Coz of this I will definitely start my new skin routine. Wala na kasi ako halos time to read pa or choose what product to use. Glad there's a summary of it all thanks to you Jan Angelo! More power to your channel!


Hello Jan angelo. Para kang Kdrama. Lagi ko inaabangan mga video mo😂. My skin type is like yours but sensitive so you inspire me a lot. My actives are skinoren in the morning & tret every other night. Those are what my skin can only tolerate. So far improving. Pa notice nman! ❤


Sana lalaganap pa Ang chanel mo galing galing mag recommend Ng mga skin care


love your videos. new subscriber last month ng december lang . you deserve a million subscriber . i also binge watch your videos. naging superfan ako