
We heard this song outta nowhere and it blew us away!! We lost our son to drugs and suicide and for some reason it just hit right!! Thank you.


I mean, it's a rather happy song. It's all about perspective. I greatly enjoy its message. 😁


I play this song often. It's so beautiful to listen to sad songs.


Gorgeous Song~*You’re Amazing Alex*~ Thank You Kindly for Your Music~!!~*~*


I love all your songs you are an really good singer the besttt iv ever heard ❤love u Alex 🍻


My boyfriend was forced in the beginning but now he loves you too! You’re music will definitely be played at our wedding whenever that is haha🎉❤


I want to tell you that my dance team did a dance to this song. We had a chair that symbolizes that we were saving a seat for the people we have lost. ( like in the song) But each of us had a special item that reminded us of that family member. I had a necklace. My friends had a necklace,watch, and a pin. Thank you


That’s literally me and my brother he listens to rap and I listen to sad songs so when I ride with him his rule is if he’s driving  “no sad songs”


My dads hasnt left my side. I just cant hug him.😢😢


Pov: me every time when me and my family go on a trip me just listening to this song


I would sit next to you and sing it with ya. If that ever does happen were gonna sing our hearts out.


Real I’m sorry but I’ve gotta play the ones that hit ya in the heart—I play your music all the times😂❤


I played this at my cousins funeral 😢


😂❤ loveeeee this song so much!


That’s literally me😂😂
No one lets me play music anymore 😅




Will you ever tour the UK 🇬🇧??????


Love the song


my new favorite song!
