Michael vs. Ryan Masochism vs. Sadism
The Michael vs Ryan was the manliest thing I've ever seen.
i would have loved to see them do teams at the end, with each side having a player and one to take the punishment. i could imagine gav playing for michael and michael yelling at gav for every miss
Geoff's gutteral noises make this video x100 better
I feel like there was someone at the front desk just like "fuck someone's using the painstation
One of my all time favorite AH/RT videos ever now. Gavin reacted exactly the way I expected him too and Geoff getting all twitchy and just regressing to squealing, moaning, and grunting was fantastic.
Ryan's revenge for Shenanigans- install painstation hand places to everyone else's desks and hook them up to their PCs. If someone lets go, their PC turns off.
Ryan with his fucking backpack and hat like he was some school kid on a field trip! Lol.
Having just come back from a trip to Berlin, and having played the pain station, I can agree that it is REALLY tense! We had a crowd of people standing around us laughing whilst I screamed "not the whip!" over and over. I left with a bruise across the back on my hand, and I still didn't win. 10/10 would recommend.
Ryan looks like such an innocent tourist: the perfect camouflage.
Geoff's hand fucking shaking was the best thing!
Geoff is just the best.
With that hat and backpack Ryan looked like he was on his way to class in elementary school lol.
Why did they call it "Painstation" when it should clearly have been called "Pain-Pong"?
Why does Gavin's suffering always elicit the funniest sounds?
Ryan really looks like the typical tourist with his hat and the backpack :D
and what did we learn today kids? Lindsay has bigger balls than Gavin.
Geoff freaking turning into Mickey Mouse! XD I was dying.
pretty sure my fear of Ryan went up during this he is one scarily strong hot man