"I'm usually one of the first critics to roll my eyes at the Old Guard Film Snobs who view the New trend of Massive Overproduced Inter-Connected Mega Popcorn Flick Superhero Franchises as 'The Death knell of Cinema' but in this case this movie feels like those folks fears made manifest. A loose collection of scenes and trailers for the next Movie and future installments as an exercise in 'Franchise Maintenance' to please investors to make a roadmap for 'Film as Product.' To call this Film's creative vision 'Designed by Comittee' would be doing an insult to comittees. This is Film-making by accountants." -Bob Moviebob Chipman on The Amazing Spider Man Movies
Y’all are truly lost without my thumbnail designs😤🤣
Unrelated, but this is Zan My graphic card and motherboard are fried.... It be awhile before I can get the parts