
What was your favorite guess?


“i’m at the salish lodge!”



"Dude it's your sister" ☠️☠️☠️☠️💀💀💀💀


1. Jordan Matter
2. Lauren Boyer Matter
3. Hudson Matter
4. Salish Matter (Say Say, or Say!)


Love how jordan wad like ’ we r al the SALISH lodge what do u think her name is’ 😂😂😂


Hudson: ummm
Jordan: dude it’s your sister
Got me dying


“I’m at Salish Lodge” “CRYSTAL!”😅 😭😭😭😭


"Dude it's ur sister". GOT ME WHEEZING😂😂😂😂


“Dude, it’s your sister” 😂


"We're at the salish lodge"


”I’m at the Salish lodge what is my daughters name”
”Reagen, Laney”
”I’m at the SALISH lodge”
”Oh I got it, Crystal”😂


Salish has such a nice name like I love it so much


I LOVE the name Salish and I love how people kept saying Sarah😂


"Reagen, Laney"
I'm at the Salish Lodge
Got me laughing on the floor


The person who called her violet is so sweet 💜🌸


Salish is a very beautiful name ❤


I love how the group of guys kept guessing names from like 1900’s


“Dude that’s your sister” got me dying laughing on the floor help me


“ Dude it’s ur sister” 



Hudson like umm idk Jordan like dude is your sister🤫🧏‍♀️💀💀💀💀