I’m sorry but that high pitched “NICE CUT G!” Really got me 😂😂😂
kouvr and alex have the cutest relationship
Is it just me or did Alex make y’all’s quarantine better too? 🤔
I died when he said “if we all die the article will just say Charli and others die in forest.”
Our parents can’t tell us that we waste our time watching YouTube. We just learned how many countries there are in Africa.
Alex kouvr if u can see this y’all are the best couple ever
Am I the only one that is obsessed with him and Thomas’s vlogs😀
i don't think i've ever been this early to watch a youtube vid
alex: posts video everyone: straight to the comments
I love how Alex's vlogs are always about his friends and his life. It is so awesome and i love his vlogs!!!
No one. Alex: making our day a billion times better! Love from a positive U tuber :)
Corpse found in electrical Orange sus Emergency meeting I saw Orange vent
Alex: posts Everyone: RUSHES TO COMMENTS I post vidz 💖
Who's here for the premiere?! I'm so excited 💖💖💖🔥💣🔥💖
alex: "so what r ur code names?" calvin: "i'm virgin" alex: "ok... hi calvin" LOL
I love the bits in Alex’s vlogs where it’s just his friends being dumb butts and making bad decisions
this was one of the funniest vlogs yet we need more patty and calvin!!
Nobody: The comments: sEnDiNg vIrTuAl hUgS, tO tHe eArLy sQuAd, cLaIm yOuR tIcKeT
“Nice cut g” and “nice face g” sent meeee 🤣