Finally kurzgesagt saying 'size still matters'
Basically, things get bad
we going to school for 40 days a week with this one
"size still matters" 💀
That alolan Exeggutor at the end is gold 😂
The smaller the size, the lower the attraction 😭😭😭
If the gravity is reduced then you shrinked the earth by removing mass and that means you also removed it's angular momentum. Unless you used that mass to propell the rotation of this new earth, said rotation should stay the same, otherwise for the first analogy to work you have to compress the earth, which would increase its gravitational acceleration at the surface.
You can't change gravity/mass, and preserve angular momentum. Earth's rotation wouldn't speed up in this scenario because the mass it lost would have taken the rotational energy with it. When a figure skater pulls in their arms, they don't lose their arms.
If you’re shrinking the earth by just removing the outer layers and decreasing the mass (as opposed to condensing the same mass into a smaller volume) the earths spin would not increase
I kept looking for a "I'm sure it has a great personality" comment but now I'm disappointed
If you shrink it in such a way that it's mass also gets cut to one 8th, then it's speed of rotation wont change. (Unless youre deliberately imagining a scenario where the smaller earth magically inherits the entire momentum)
I love the Alolan Exeggutor in the background!
correction: half the size of earth (in diameter) would not lead to things being half as heavy; this would scale with mass (which is determined by volume)
Listen, what if we don't shrink it or make it bigger
The moon probably wouldn't like that either
just love you guys I wish more people will make shorts like yours, amazing
Doesn't add up. If the mass decreases the length of day doesn't change. The increase in rotational speed only happens like that when the mass is brought closer to the center. Not when the mass is removed.
Well shrinking can imply compression or reduction, but each has its own respective effects. The difference is substantial in compression