
Mc Stacker Is Good too!


YOUR GONNA LEARN FROM ME, SON!!! 🎉🎉:_okay::_okay::_heart::_heart:


I just discovered this website just before this video, what a coincidence 😆. Nice video btw


I love this site. I used it to make a Bogged Skeleton before they became available using a Skelton mob with poison arrows in its off hand and a bogged head from the Minecraft-heads site with custom drop rates for the head and the poison arrows.


To be honest mcstacker is better


this is so helpful. Thanks so much Kasai 😃


Yaaay, 69K subscribers!


i remember using this when i dint know how to use commands (still use it for enchantments)


I know how to use commands (im a minigames map maker) and still use website's (mc stacker)


I actually asked this in an old stream lollll


I really want this to be turned into a mod. Cant do it my self cause idk how to code. We need a website for coding minecraft mods too xD


Nice Video.


Please make a detail video on mcpets 😊


can you guide us about "Very cool text effects" in a next video please! We would like to appreciate if youre doing it 🙏❤


Ik was gister in je livestream


Please make videos on pocket edition texture packs


sup kasai dawg?!


Love you vids


really good video


alerdy know but thanks ❤