
This video is absolutely mesmerizing! Watching raw wood transform into a beautiful masterpiece is like witnessing magic. Woodturning truly is an art form, and your craftsmanship is inspiring!


Farming has never been more advanced! The precision of these machines is just incredible


Achei linda essa madeira ,e deu um toque especial nesse vaso uau😮.


Great working video✨✨✨
Very nice design work😍


Absolutely mesmerizing! The transformation of raw wood into such a beautiful masterpiece is truly incredible. The level of skill and artistry in woodturning is fascinating to watch. It’s amazing how something so simple can become a work of art with just the right technique. Keep it up! 🪵✨


عمل جيد ...تحفة.


Trabalho maravilhoso. Amei.


so turning with gloves is an absolutely brilliant idea


Really, an excellent piece of work. Priceless


The featured piece bears no resemblance to the thumbnail. Why the deception?


Brilliant. Be success always


There's a pretty puppy supervising the assembly!!🐕


Watching this is so satisfying


Génial merci


When I was deceiding what lathe I wanted, I brought an all singing and dancing machine. Its great to watch someone turning wood on a "Triggers Broom". The main difference is when the motor goes wrong, in the west, you bye a new one, with these guys they go next door and have the windings replaced. I wonder how many times the tail stock has been rewelded? Great to watch.


parabéns pelo profissionalismo um trabalho maravilhoso 👏🏻




Amigo, antes de você colocar esse cubo no torno, corte os cantos na serra de fita, você diminuirá o tempo e risco dessa peça se soltar, mesmo que diminua a velocidade. 
Espero ter ajudado.
Belo trabalho !!!


Beautiful God Bless you

